Page 28 - Herioter 2021
P. 28

Drama prelims: where                                                     Senior School

               performance and                                                          house captains

               ‘meditation’ meet                                                        2020/21

               When you get the rare opportunity to spend a full   extends beyond the classroom. It’s a subject
               day out of class with your friends and classmates,   where I get to show that passion, rather than
               one is obliged to take full advantage. However,   focus on the grade I might get from it. And so
               it’s even better when you get to spend the day   once the day was over, and all was said and done,
               showing each other the drama performances   I wasn’t worried about how well or how badly I
               that you’ve planned, created and rehearsed   had scored. Instead, I took time to appreciate
               yourselves.                        the experiences and memories I had gained from
                 There is something special about the   the day.
               atmosphere created: no judgement, but plenty
               of excitement, energy and support. Sitting a   Kuzamium Dangata (S4)
               ‘prelim’ in the new Covid-19 era of the SQA tends
               to be about as arduous as Tuesday night hockey
               fitness at Peffermill, but for drama this was not the
               case. In fact, the day didn’t feel like I was being                        Aryan Puri and Abigail Scott-Fleming, Greyfriars
               examined at all. To me, I was simply spending the                                           house captains
               day with my friends watching them perform and
               performing to them.
                 A few weeks later, we would also be sitting
               a written drama exam that would actually feel
               like an exam. One thing I always love about
               performance days like this is the lead up to
               actually performing, and the buzz that it creates.
               There is always a blur of nerves, anticipation,
               dread and fear, but once you’re on the stage,
               standing under the lights and before a silent
               audience, all you can do is perform. It’s like a
               form of meditation. When you perform a drama
               where you and your peers have conceived the
               plot, and developed characters, scenes and lines,                           Fergus Broomfield and Rebecca Paul, Raeburn
               rather than one where you have learnt all these                                             house captains
               things off a script, you learn to push any fears and
               doubts out of your head. Thoughts like ‘what if
               my friends or teachers think it’s boring?’, or ‘what
               if I miss one of my lines and mess up a scene?’,
               only hamper your ability to show off your skills.
                 Few of us would say that our performances
               were perfect, however once the day was over, we
               could all take pride in the fact that we had truly
               given it our all. For me, drama is a passion that

                                                                                                  Kay Dangata and Melissa Black,
                                                                                                        Castle house captains

                                                                                               David Murray and Annabelle Osborne,
                                                                                                      Lauriston house captains

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