Page 3 - The Bocaire Breeze - March April 2023
P. 3

Dear Bocairians,

    I can’t believe that we will soon be in March and that this fiscal year is nearly at an end!
    It has been a busy season with numbers consistently over 100 for lunch and great numbers for many of our
    evening events.  Last Sunday we served 261 for Sunday Brunch.  Our To-Go numbers continue to flourish.
    Thank you for your support!
    Our golf, tennis, pickleball and fitness programs are very popular.  I am sure many members are looking
    forward to two dedicated pickleball courts that we will have after the renovation!  Do you know that pickleball
    is the fastest-growing sport in the United States, with almost 4.8 million players (called “picklers”) nationwide
    (a 40% increase since 2020).
    With the renovation of the Clubhouse starting May 1 , we need to allow time for the kitchen to be relocated to
    the Bistro and for the administrative office to be set up in the group fitness room at the Fitness Center.  To
    facilitate that move, inhouse food service will close after brunch on Sunday, April 16  and will reopen
    at the pool on Tuesday, May 2 .  The card rooms will remain open until April 30  but there will be no
    snacks or beverage service (except water) and no attendant during that period. We apologize for any incon-
    venience this will cause.
    We are planning a full calendar of social events at the pool.  The only thing we cannot control is the weather!
    We will have vector fans to keep you cool but, with the Clubhouse completely closed, there is no “plan B” if it
    rains!  A Calendar thru Renovation for May, June and July is printed in this edition of The Breeze for your
    convenience and is also available from the Front Desk. Further months will be available as they are finalized.
    We will also have dining reciprocals with other local Clubs, and I am also looking to create a list of local
    restaurants that may help you.
    I know quite a few Members and Sponsored Guests will leave this summer especially as we are heading into
    the renovations.  If you are not going to be at Bocaire for my last day on Friday, July 7 , please stop by
    before you leave to say goodbye!
    I hope to see you at the Club and remember my door is always open…

                                                Just a Reminder..

                     Town Hall Meeting on Sunday, February 26 , 2023 at 3:00 p.m.
                                            Review of Hotwire Agreement
                                      Implementation of Traffic Hawk System
                                                  Construction Update
                                           Operating Plan During Closure

                   Annual Budget Meeting on Sunday, March 12th, 2023 at 3:30 p.m.
                          Registration begin at 3:30pm. Meeting Begins at 4:00 p.m.

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