Page 7 - The Bocaire Breeze - March April 2023
P. 7
FOCUS ON Edyie Harris
Fitness and Wellness
I have had the pleasure of speaking with many of our fine Bocaire members in the last few weeks
regarding the communication of fitness, spa, aquatics, and wellness offerings that we have and I’m
still a little surprised to hear that many of our members are not aware of what is available to them
in these departments. I want to take this opportunity to invite anyone who hasn’t read the weekly
Fitness and Wellness newsletter that comes out on Fridays, to please reach out to Eliot or me via
phone at 561-549-0793. Better yet drop by and say hello. So much has changed in the last two and
a half years, and we are excited to share in the growth of Bocaire as a club.
Did you know:
We have 18 fitness and aqua classes weekly being taught by ten or more instructors.
We offer personal training, small group training and assisted stretching.
We offer private CPR instruction and certification.
You may schedule a massage with Alanna, Sunday through Wednesdays.
You may schedule a facial with Linda on Thursdays and Fridays.
We have IMAGE Skincare available for purchase as well as CBD products.
The Fitness Center is open 24 hours and staffed from 6:00am-6:00pm most days.
With the pending club closure within weeks, we want to assure all of our members that Fitness,
Aquatics and Wellness will remain open and available to serve your needs in addition to Golf and
Tennis. There will be changes, however, we will be keeping everyone’s health and wellbeing in
mind as we strive to continue to offer opportunities to pursue your best health at Bocaire.
Corks & Canvas—January 11th