Page 7 - The Bocaire Breeze - January February 2022
P. 7

FOCUS ON                                                                  Edyie Harris

    As we close another year, I find myself reminiscing on both the challenges and blessings of 2022. People I
    have talked to are ready to say goodbye and welcome the clean slate of 2023. While I value the
    possibilities that lie ahead in the new year as much as the next girl, especially since “23” has been my
    favorite number as long as I can remember, I would encourage you to slow down just a bit and take stock
    of all the wonderful moments that captured your heart this year. Spend time in gratitude on the
    moments that brought you joy.
    Even in times of trouble, disappointment, and sadness, there are lessons to be learned and grow from.
    When we consider all of these events, we can move on with a more positive outlook and enter into the
    New Year with a healthier attitude.
    Ask yourself these simple questions:
        1. What did I learn this year?
        2. How can it help me in the New Year?
        3. Who do I want to see more of, or less of?
        4. What would I like to change that I actually have control over?

    In a time where texting has taken the place of an old fashion phone call to catch up with a loved one,
    make time in your New Year to reach out to those you didn’t see enough of or talk to in 2022.  Make a
    list, even if that’s not what you would normally do, it will keep you focused on what’s truly important to

    As a child, I remember adults telling me to be patient, enjoy the wait for summer vacation, Santa Claus’s
    arrival or my birthday.  It was impossible to imagine that as I got older time would speed up like it does.
    They all told me it was so, but I never believed it. Life is truly precious.  We’ve all known heartache, some
    more than others. However, we can all choose to make 2023 the year we make kindness, caring, gratitude
    and love for others and ourselves a priority.
    If your good health and wellness are at the top of your list in 2023, please come see your Fitness and
    Wellness team and learn how we might help you with your “list”.

                               Tennis Pro-Am—November 18th

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