Page 91 - e-book CPG - Bipolar Disorder
P. 91
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DG would like to express their gratitude and appreciation to the
The members of CPG
The members of CPG
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DG would like to express their gratitude and appreciation to the
following for their contributions: following for their contributions:
The members of CPG DG would like to express their gratitude and appreciation to the
Panel of external reviewers who reviewed the draft technically
The members of CPG DG would like to express their gratitude and appreciation to the
following for their contributions: The members of CPG DG would like to express their gratitude and appreciation to the
Panel of external reviewers who reviewed the draft technically
following for their contributions: following for their contributions:
Technical Advisory Committee of CPG for their valuable input and feedback
Panel of external reviewers who reviewed the draft technically like to express their gratitude and appreciation to the
The members of CPG DG would like to express their gratitude
The members of CPG DG would and appreciation to the
Technical Advisory Committee of CPG for their valuable input and feedback
Technical Advisory Committee of CPG for their valuable input and feedback
Panel of external reviewers who reviewed the draft technically
HTA and CPG Council for approval of the CPG
Panel of external reviewers who reviewed the draft technically
following for their contributions: following for their contributions:
Health Technology Assessment and Clinical Practice Guidelines Council for approval of
Mr. Mohamad Farhan Huszaimi M. Pajar for analysis
Health Technology Assessment and Clinical Practice Guidelines Council for approval of and synthesis of evidence
Technical Advisory Committee of CPG for their valuable input and feedback
Technical Advisory Committee of CPG for their valuable input and feedback the draft technically
Panel of external reviewers who reviewed
Panel of external reviewers who reviewed the draft technically
the CPG
the CPG
Ms. Zamilah Mat Jusoh @ Yusof for the retrieval of evidence
HTA and CPG Council for approval of the CPG
Health Technology Assessment and Clinical Practice Guidelines Council for approval of
Technical Advisory Committee of CPG for their valuable input and feedback
Technical Advisory Committee of CPG for their valuable input and feedback
Ms. Subhiyah Ariffin for the retrieval of evidence
Dr. Ahmad Shamil Semanat for the cover design
Ms. Subhiyah Ariffin for the retrieval of evidence
Mr. Mohamad Farhan Huszaimi M. Pajar for analysis and synthesis of evidence
the CPG
HTA and CPG Council for approval of the CPG
Health Technology Assessment and Clinical Practice Guidelines Council for approval of
Hanan Mikhael, person of lived experience, on the cover design of the CPG
All those who have contributed directly or
Hanan Mikhael, person of lived experience, on the cover design of the CPG indirectly to the development of the CPG
Ms. Zamilah Mat Jusoh @ Yusof for the retrieval of evidence
Ms. Subhiyah Ariffin for the retrieval of evidence
the CPG
Mr. Mohamad Farhan Huszaimi M. Pajar for analysis and synthesis of evidence
All those who have contributed directly or indirectly to the development of the CPG
All those who have contributed directly or indirectly to the development of the CPG
Dr. Ahmad Shamil Semanat for the cover de
Hanan Mikhael, person of lived experience, on the cover design of the CPG sign
Ms. Subhiyah Ariffin for the retrieval of evidence
Ms. Zamilah Mat Jusoh @ Yusof for the retrieval of evidence
Hanan Mikhael, person of lived experience, on the cover design of the CPG
All those who have contributed directly or indirectly
All those who have contributed directly or indirectly to the development of the CPG to the development of the CPG
Dr. Ahmad Shamil Semanat for the cover design
All those who have contributed directly or indirectly to the development of the CPG
All those who have contributed directly or indirectly to the development of the CPG
The panel members of both DG and RC had completed disclosure forms. None hold shares
The panel members of both DISCLOSURE STATEMENT
DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Development Group and Review Committee had completed
The panel members of both Development Group and Review Committee had completed
disclosure forms. None hold shares in pharmaceutical firms or act as consultants to such firms.
DISCLOSURE STATEMENT in pharmaceutical firms or act as consultants to such firms. Details are available upon request
from the CPG Secretariat.
The panel members of both DG and RC had completed disclosure forms. None hold shares
The panel members of both Development Group and Review Committee had completed
Details are available upon request from the CPG Secretariat.
disclosure forms. None hold shares in pharmaceutical firms or act as consultants to such firms.
Details are available upon request from the CPG Secretariat.
disclosure forms. None hold shares in pharmaceutical firms or act as consultants to such firms. tails are available upon request
in pharmaceutical firms or act as consultants to such firms. De
The panel members of both DG and RC had completed disclosure forms. None hold shares
The panel members of both Development Group and Review Committee had completed
from the CPG Secretariat.
Details are available upon request from the CPG Secretariat.
disclosure forms. None hold shares in pharmaceutical firms or act as consultants to such firms.
in pharmaceutical firms or act as consultants to such firms. Details are available upon request
from the CPG Secretariat.
Details are available upon request from the CPG Secretariat.
The development of
SOURCE OF FUNDING CPG on Management of Bipolar Disorder (Second Edition) was
The development of the SOURCE OF FUNDING the CPG on Management of Erectile Dysfunction was supported
The development of the CPG on Management of Bipolar Disorder (Second Edition) was
supported financially mainly by the MoH and partly by the Malaysian Psychiatric Association
SOURCE OF FUNDING financially in its entirety by the MoH.
The development of the CPG on Management of Bipolar Disorder (Second Edition) was e Dysfunction was supported
development of the CPG on Management of Erectil
supported financially mainly by the MoH and partly by the Malaysian Psychiatric Association
(MPA). financially in its entirety by the MoH.
supported financially mainly by the MoH and partly by the Malaysian Psychiatric Association
The development of the CPG on Management of Bipolar Disorder (Second Edition) was
The development of the CPG on Management of Erectile Dysfunction was supported
supported financially in its entirety by MOH.
financially in its entirety by the MoH.
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