Page 16 - CV- Feb-March 2023 copy
P. 16
The Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) on Functioning with three members, one secretary and one
Thursday said it disposed of roughly 9,300 consumer complaints chairman, the UP RERA said it has disposed of more than
in 2022, on an average 25 cases daily. The UP RERA was 42,000 complaints, which is about 41 per cent of the complaints
established in 2017 to regulate the fast-growing real estate decided in the country as a whole.
sector, bring transparency, protect the interest of homebuyers
and ensure speedy resolutions of disputes of consumers and On mutual settlement and recovery certificate, the UP RERA said
builders. In a statement, the UP RERA said it lodged it has ensured settlement in about 5,700 matters, including both
approximately 6,900 complaints in 2022 and disposed of almost refund and possession of units, during the execution proceedings
9,300 complaints of aggrieved allottees. or through conciliation by conciliation forums established at
Lucknow and Greater Noida.
"Maximum complaints had been registered in the month of March "The value of the property under settlements is about Rs 2,100
2022 ‐ 695. In the month of December 2022 only 320 complaints have crore," it said in the statement.
been registered, the lowest in 2022," it added.
The authority said it has received approximately 47,000 The UP RERA has so far issued more than 8,385 recovery
consumer complaints, which is about 38 per cent of the total certificates and till now transferred Rs 410 crore into the
complaints filed across the country. accounts of 2,575 allottees after recovery of the same by the
collectors concerned, it added.
14 / CONSTRUCTION VISION / February-March 2023