Page 20 - CV- Feb-March 2023 copy
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If materialized, this will lead to a nearly three times (3x) the
RS 40,000 CRORE average annual wind power capex seen in the past four fiscals,
according to an assessment by Crisil Ratings.
The Union new and renewable energy ministry had in October
2022 came out with a draft policy proposing repowering of old
solar farms, which according to the agency is a step in the right
direction to increase wind power generation as this can lead to
If materialized, this will lead to a nearly three times
lower open access tariffs.
(3x) the average annual wind power capex seen in
the past four fiscals, according to an assessment
Repowering old windmills can potentially kick-start investments
by Crisil Ratings.
worth Rs 40,000 crore including the cost of acquiring and
dismantling old plants over the next three to five years, which if
The government's proposed policy to re-power old windmills can
materialized will be nearly three times the average annual wind
attract investments worth over Rs 40,000 crore, including the cost of
power capex seen in the past four fiscals, Crisil said in a report
acquiring and dismantling old plants, over the next three to five
on Thursday. According to Ankit Hakhu, a director at the agency,
years, says a report. The wind power capacity has been stalling
the move, if accepted well may lead to replacement of about 5 gw
since 2018 when solar power took off at a faster pace and between
of old windmills with new wind power plants with 2x more
March 2018 and December 2022, the net addition was only 8 gw to
generation ability, because such projects can generate double-
take the total to 42 gw while between 2010 and 2018 the country
digit returns at tariffs of Rs 4 per unit for the incremental capacity.
added 34 gw.
18 / CONSTRUCTION VISION / February-March 2023