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            Client Relations                    third parties. However, it is important to note
            The  new  app features make insurance   that other common apps such as Google Maps
            more accessible and comprehensible to the   or Uber are already collecting telematics on their
            policyholder. The apps can also open up unique   users,  insurtech apps are just more transparent
            lines of communication with drivers, thereby   regarding the tracking. As Weintraub explained,
            giving an insurance provider an opportunity to  “We’re used to being tracked today and being
            improve or solidify relations with clients.   tracked in ways we don’t even think about and yet
              Customer  demand  is  trending  towards   the moment we are aware we are being tracked
            wanting claims processed faster. As Weintraub   for  [insurance  purposes], it  changes  a person’s
            pointed out, ‘people are noticing delays and see   mindset [and makes them feel as though their
            that every point in the value chain today takes   privacy is being invaded].”
            longer than it probably could.’ Recent studies
            have confirmed that using the usage-based   Competition
            programs that cut the time it takes to approve a   The auto insurance industry competition is fierce.
            new insured or reach a claim resolution provides   New insurtech companies are facing traditional
            greater customer satisfaction.  The technology   insurance carriers who have strong capital reserves
            also provides greater feelings of trust due to   and brand recognition. Many insurtech start-ups
            the transparency that facilitates the Insureds’   have acknowledged the dominating strength of
            understanding of how the insurance premiums   these traditional insurance carriers and chosen
            are determined. The programs reward good   to partner with them but some are choosing to
            drivers, which help the insurer build a warm   compete directly with the big carriers. Those that
            relationship with their safest (and thus more   are proceeding independently are faced with the
            profitable) drivers.               pain of building reserves when they would prefer
                                               to use those funds for further innovation.
            cHallEngES facIng InSUrTEcH
            comPanIES                          WHy SHoUlD aTTornEyS carE?
                                               Insurtech companies have similar legal needs
            Heavy Regulations                  of other start-up companies, but also have
            Insurance is one of the most heavily regulated   needs involving regulation and legislation.
            industries.  Insurtech  companies  are  creating   As their insured data accumulates, their
            innovations that the insurance industry and   compliance issues will also compound.  The
            state insurance regulators have never seen, so   future impact that the accumulated data will   outcome will be that insureds from all insurers
            the current regulations did not contemplate   have on litigation will also be profound.  Data   will benefit from the influence of this new type
            the advances. For example, the complex   gathered through smartphones will provide   of insurance company.
            licensing  requirements  that  vary from state   evidence that has never been available in the
            to state are further complicated by issues of   litigation arena. Presuming properly working
            first impression, such as whether an insurtech   equipment, recorded data showing a vehicle’s   Mackenzie Robinson is a Staff
            company must obtain its own producer license   speed, braking,  direction,  acceleration,  and   Attorney at Rathbone Group, LLC,
            when collaborating with a traditional insurer.    location will be completely objective and not   where she assists the firm in both
            As a result, the drive to change the insurance   influenced by opinion or faulty memory. The   litigation and arbitration, as well
            industry has sometimes been hampered when   obvious relevancy and reliability of this data   as client relations.  Mackenzie has
            learning that entering a market is more expensive   make it likely that attorneys on both sides will   been a member of the CMBA since 2018. She can
            and time consuming then first anticipated, says   move to discover the data in hopes it will aid in   be reached at (800) 870-5521 or mrobinson@
            Weintraub.  Potential solutions such as sandboxes   proving the case. The data can lend credibility
            (where insurance commissioners could relax   in liability disputes, and in proving the severity
            regulatory requirements to permit innovators to   of the crash that caused the victim’s injuries.
            experiment with new products or processes while   The entrepreneurial spirit and advanced   Kimberly L. Rathbone is the
            maintaining consumer protections) have been   technology in insurtech companies is creating   Managing Partner of the national
            proposed, but are not yet approved.  waves in the traditional insurance industry, which   insurance subrogation  firm  of
                                                is not known for rapid change or taking high   Rathbone Group, LLC.  She has
            Concerns on Privacy                risks.  Weintraub believes the most successful   focused on insurance subrogation
            While there are many benefits to these innovations   insurtech companies will be ones that can mirror   throughout her entire legal career representing
            for both the insured and insurer, some believe   traditional insurance companies the most, but   numerous carriers and self-insured entities in
            tracking app benefits come at a cost of personal   still remain excited about the data because they   all types of subrogation.  Kim has been a
            privacy. Many believe the GPS tracking data   see value in protecting their insureds.  Regardless   member of the CMBA since 2001. She can be
            is irrelevant to behavior and exposes them to   of whether traditional insurers remain or the   reached at (800) 870-5521 or krathbone@
            cyber-attacks or the sale of their information to   insurtech companies take over in the future, the
            february 2019                                                              Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal  | 13
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