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            and not the location of the company has   InSUrancE  covEragE  rEgUlaTory   continue  to  grapple  with  the  unresolved
            implications for organizations outside   fInES anD PEnalTIES           question of the insurability of data breach
            the EU that monitor, process, or hold   Although  cyber  insurance  has  developed   fines. In the meantime, companies should
            information that would be considered   considerably from when it was first   carefully review their internal cyber
            EU-based data. In fact, many U.S.-based   introduced to the market, cyber insurance   and other security controls, not only for
            companies that operate in the EU or have   policies are still not a universally standard   compliance with government regulations,
            data from persons in the EU would be   form, but a type of insurance offered by   but also so that they can develop the
            subject to compliance with the GDPR.   insurers, whose terms and conditions vary   best possible defense for the company’s
                                               from  policy to  policy.  In  general,  though,  confidential and  protected information.
            California                         cyber insurance protects against the typical   And, if they do not have coverage, companies
            After the passage of the GDPR, California   costs associated with a data breach, such   should also strongly consider obtaining
            enacted the Consumer Privacy Act of   as  investigation  and  notification  expenses,  cyber insurance from their carriers, and
            2018. The Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)   credit monitoring and credit card re-issuing   ensuring that their business associates carry
            is similar to the GDPR in many ways. First,  fees, data recovery, business interruption   the appropriate insurance as well.
            the focus of the CCPA is on where the   expenses, and liability for third-party
            data is from instead of the location of the   claims. Since the regulations imposing fines
            company. Second, Californians will have   and penalties for a data breach are a recent   Gabrielle Kelly is an attorney at
            the right to know the PII that is being   occurrence, it is unclear how cyber policies   Brouse McDowell in its insurance
            collected, whether the information is being   will respond to these costs.      coverage group where she
            sold, and the right to request deletion   In  other  types  of  insurance  policies,   represents policyholders in their
            of their information. Additionally, the   coverage for fines and penalties has been   disputes with insurance companies.
            concept of personal information is broadly   viewed as being against public policy due   She is recognized as a certified insurance
            worded to include any information that   to concerns of giving policyholders a way   coverage specialist by the State of Ohio. She
           “identifies, relates to, describes, references,   to lessen the blow for punishment that a   has been a CMBA Member since 2007. She
            is capable of being associated with, or could   court or agency bestowed on the company.  can be reached at (216) 830-6826 or gkelly@
            reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly,  And, criminal penalties are still considered
            with a particular consumer or household.”  uninsurable, but recently, there has been
            This definition goes beyond traditional PII   a shift in attitude to allow for coverage of
            to potentially include IP address or social   presumably less reprehensible civil penalties
            media information. Lastly, the CCPA also   when the amount was imposed by statute or
            imposes fines for violation of the law. The   there was no finding of a malicious, reckless,   Niki Z. Schwartz
            fines for violation of the CCPA, however,  or intentional wrongdoing. Nonetheless,   Mediator/Arbitrator
            will largely depend on the number of   a review of local law and public policy
            records held by the company. Under the   principles would be necessary to determine
            CCPA, each violation is fined up to $2,500   whether such coverage provided by insurers
            for negligent violations and $7,500 for   would hold up in the legal systems of a
            intentional violations.            particular jurisdiction.
                                                 While  there  is  uncertainty on the
            Colorado                           insurability of regulatory fines, the shift away
            In Colorado, a new law was enacted known   from a blanket denial of coverage for all fines
            as  the  Protections  for  Consumer  Data   and  penalties  is  promising.  And,  insurers
            Privacy Act that requires businesses of any   appear to be thoughtfully considering how to
            size to do the following: have a written   provide protection amid the changes in the
            policy explaining how it will dispose of   landscape. Insurers are acknowledging the
            PII and follow through on the procedures,   potential for coverage of regulatory fines under
            take  “reasonable” steps  to  protect  the   broad definitions of regulatory compliance   “If he can settle
            PII that it keeps, and alert consumers of   that are included in the policy. Further, some   a prison riot,
            a data breach within 30 days, and alert   insurers are writing specific provisions and
            the  attorney  general  if  more  than  500   endorsements designed to respond to GDPR   he can settle
            Coloradans are affected. Like the GDPR,  and other regulatory fines. This does not
            a company may be liable for the actions   guarantee that an insurer or others won’t raise   anything!”
            of its third-party service provider. If a   the insurability argument, but it is less likely
            violation occurs, the Colorado Attorney   that a policyholder will receive coverage, as
            General has authority to bring an action   parties in the insurance industry agree that   216-696-7100
            in law or equity, as well as other relief that   these issues are far from settled.
            may be appropriate to ensure compliance   Until there is routine enforcement of the
            with the law.                      regulations, policyholders and insurers will
            february 2019                                                              Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal  | 17
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