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COLuMN                 BarJournal

                                                                                                         JULY/AUGUST  2015

            carryIng THE BaTon forWarD

            By EnHancIng oUr Bar’S

            DIvErSITy EfforTS

                                                      Marlon A. Primes                                              from THE PrESIDEnT

                        ne of the many highlights of   take to diversify their workplaces. During   years. Carole also discussed the importance
                        serving as president of our   the inaugural program of the diversity series,   of utilizing a diverse committee of employees
                        bar association is its similarity   Carole Rendon discussed the importance of   to interview applicants. She often served on
                        with my participation  on   establishing  an  effective  diversity  committee.   the resume screening and initial interview
            Otrack and field relay teams at   While Carole served under former U.S.   committee at the U.S. Attorney’s Office to
            Archbishop Hoban High School in Akron and   Attorney Steve Dettelbach and succeeded him   ensure that diverse groups of applicants were
            Ohio University. Both require doing one’s best to   as the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District   interviewed  and  able  to  advance  within  the
            support a great team with a tremendous legacy,   of Ohio, she chaired the diversity committee   tiered interview and hiring process.
            and both require extraordinary efforts to ensure   to reinforce its importance to the entire   Part two of the diversity series featured
            that the team is in a better position when the baton   workforce. Carole also formed partnerships   Carl Smallwood and Arooj Sheikh. Carl is a
            is passed forward to the next person. During the   with  the  Norman  S.  Minor  Bar  Association   partner at Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease
            past year, our association has continued to work   (NSMBA), the largest association of African-  in Columbus and the past president of the
            diligently to pass the baton forward to address the   American attorneys in Ohio. Carole and the   National Conference of Bar Presidents, and
            important issue of diversity in our legal profession.   NSMBA co-sponsored a weekend outing to   Arooj works at the Office of General Counsel
              Given the many articles published in a variety   watch an adaptation of the Broadway musical   at Abercrombie and Fitch’s world headquarters
            of legal publications on the subject, we all   “Dream Girls” at Karamu House, which is one   in New Albany, Ohio. Carl and Arooj shared
            should be aware of the dismal and disheartening   of the oldest African-American theaters in the   practical tips on how to maintain and attract a
            statistics regarding the number of attorneys of   country. Carole additionally discussed how she   diverse workforce. According to Carl and Arooj,
            color in our law firms, government agencies,   and Steve attended NSMBA meetings and the   establishing effective mentoring programs for
            and across the legal profession. A number of   meetings and events of the local Hispanic and   minority attorneys is paramount. In addition
            bar associations have released statistics on the   Asian bar associations.   to mentoring programs, Arooj indicated that
            low percentage of attorneys  of color at legal   Because of the relationships Carole and   minority attorneys at her company often meet
            workplaces to encourage employers to hire a   Steve established within minority communities,   informally with senior leadership to maintain
            more diverse workforce. Although I understand   minority attorneys were more receptive to   an open and honest dialogue. Most importantly,
            that approach and the frustration with the slow   applying for positions at the U.S. Attorney’s   Arooj indicated her company has a diverse base
            pace of change, I believe an additional way   Office. Thanks to their work, minority   of customers, and consequently, she removes
            to address the issue is to offer programs that   applications and the hiring of minority lawyers   legal work from law firms that her company
            give legal employers a road map to hiring and   increased several hundred percent in three   hires that continue to lack diversity.
            retaining a diverse workforce that also explains
            how diversity can enhance their bottom lines.
            To do our part, our bar association sponsored                    LITIGATION & LIABILITY
            a monthly diversity series in September,                             MANAGEMENT, LLC
            October, and November, and we signed a
            historic memorandum of understanding in
            January with local bar associations of color to                        Litigation Consulting
            support diversity in our legal community today,                        Forensic Accounting
            tomorrow, and far into the future.                                       Expert Witnesses
              Although  informing  a  wide  audience
            about the difficulty attorneys of color face
            when navigating the legal landscape is very                    
            important, it was not the exclusive focus of our   “Small Firm Value,       (440) 498-0171
            diversity series. Instead, the series focused on   Big Firm Benefits”
            what steps legal employers can immediately
            february 2019                                                              Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal  | 5
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