Page 40 - November 2019 BarJournal
P. 40






                                                                       By Kate Pruchnicki & Jay Milano

                         hen submitting an   financial nature. Probate litigation often involves   A violation of a court order can lead to an
                         electronic case filing to   allegations of mental incompetence and/or   action for contempt — and a contempt finding,
                         the Cuyahoga County   the  inability  to  handle  one’s  personal  assets   under certain circumstances, can be sustained
                         Common Pleas e-filing   — implicating financial, medical, personal   despite  the  issue  of  intent.  In  any  event,  a
        W portal,               the  system  information, etc.                 finding of contempt can carry serious direct and
        makes you check a box to verify the document   In sum, the importance of this consideration   collateral consequences — both personally and
        complies with Rule 45’s provisions governing   cannot be overstated to any particular type   professionally.
        the filing of documents containing personally-  of attorney licensed to practice in Ohio —   Depending on the circumstances, an
        identifying information.            the rules implicated by the disclosure of   inadvertent disclosure could be found to violate
           This  checkbox  routinely  forces  me  to   personally-identifying  information  could    the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct on
        reconsider the material within, or attached to,   potentially be violated (albeit inadvertently, in   a broader scale than Rule 45, as the “type” of
        our court filings — was the client’s SSN redacted   most cases) by any of us.   harmful disclosure is not limited by definition
        from that Institutional Summary Report? Did   Rule 45(D) of the Rules of Superintendence   — and if proven against you, the violation could
        I accidentally use the full name of that alleged   for  Ohio  Courts  requires  the  party filing  any   result in possible sanctions.
        minor victim? Are there un-redacted medical   document to “omit personal identifiers from the   Rule 1.1 requires us to provide competent
        records still attached to that expert report?   document” by filing a separate, specified (and   representation to our clients, and competent
           If the e-filing portal did not regularly   sealed) form detailing the nature of the informa-  representation requires (among other things)
        compel me to consider this, I am sure there are   tion omitted. Sup. Rule 45(D)(3) makes clear that   the  “thoroughness []  reasonably necessary for
        times I would forget — inadvertent disclosure   the  responsibility  for omitting personal identi-  the client.” Similarly, Rule 1.3 requires attorneys
        is oftentimes simple human error. But it is   fiers rests with the “filing party” — the attorney   to act with reasonable diligence in representing
        possible this simple human error could equate   who signs off.         a client. Comment [2] reinforces both Rules
        to an ethical violation and/or a violation of court   Sup. Rule 44(H) defines “personal identifiers”   1.1 and 1.3 by requiring a lawyer to “control
        orders that require Ohio attorneys to exercise   as: “social security numbers, except for the last   [his/her] work load so that each matter can be
        special care when filing documents with sensitive   four digits; financial account numbers, including   handled competently.”
        information relative to clients and/or third   but not limited to debit card, charge card, and   For example, a situation in which one
        parties.                            credit card numbers; employer and employee   is accused of not exercising the level of
           Consider the harm. In certain circum-  identification numbers; and a juvenile’s name in   thoroughness reasonably necessary for the client
        stances, the harm caused by inadvertent disclo-  an abuse, neglect, or dependency case, except   based upon the disclosure(s) of sensitive and/or
        sure could be significant — especially within the   for the juvenile’s initials or a generic abbreviation   confidential information as to their own client
        area of criminal defense given the involvement   such as “CV” for “child victim.”   through an inadvertent document filing. This
        of alleged victims, the sensitive facts underlying   Many courts codify Rule 45(D) in their Local   particular hypothetical also implicates the issue
        sexual offenses, the frequent relevance of medical   Rules of Court and/or administrative orders.   of whether inadvertent disclosure would waive
        records, etc.                       All divisions of the Cuyahoga County Court   the attorney-client privilege.
           But the risk is inherent to every other practice   of Common Pleas — criminal, civil, domestic   Rule 1.6 prohibits the disclosure of
        area as well — for instance, commercial litigation   relations, probate, and juvenile — have adopted   information “relating to the representation of
        commonly involves sensitive information   Rule 45(D) as either a Local Rule of Court or a   a client, including information protected by
        about company operations, often of a sensitive   standing Administrative Order.   the  attorney-client  privilege  under  applicable
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