Page 43 - November 2019 BarJournal
P. 43
iving high school students judges also shared their personal paths to Solon High School marks the court’s
the opportunity to see the becoming attorneys and later judges. first off-site oral argument at a high school
appellate process in real time, The attorneys in both cases — Assistant as part of the Eighth District’s new “From
the Eighth District Court of State Public Defender Timothy Hackett Courtroom to Classroom” program, initiated
GAppeals traveled to Solon High (Office of the Ohio Public Defender), Assistant under the leadership of Administrative and
School on September 26, 2019 to hear two cases Prosecuting Attorney Nora Bryan (Cuyahoga Presiding Judge Mary Eileen Kilbane and
for oral argument in an auditorium filled with County Prosecutor’s Office), Assistant Judge Eileen T. Gallagher, Chair of the
government students. Prosecuting Attorney Katherine Mullin Court’s Education Committee. The program
Unlike a mock trial or moot court (Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office), is designed to offer high schools located in
proceeding, the cases heard were real cases and Assistant Public Defender John Martin Cuyahoga County the unique opportunity
pending before the court. The first case (Cuyahoga County Public Defender’s Office) to witness first-hand the operations of the
involved a juvenile who was found delinquent — also graciously shared their experiences judicial branch and to bolster the students’
of committing robbery and challenged his leading them to the practice of law and understanding of how law governs our
adjudication based on the juvenile court’s answered questions from the students. The democracy and the importance of the
handling of his motion to suppress. The entire program lasted nearly two hours. judiciary in interpreting these laws.
second case involved a criminal appeal filed Solon High School government teacher For more information about the
by the state after the trial court dismissed a Bryan Ashkettle, who requested the court’s court’s From Courtroom to Classroom
single-count indictment against the defendant visit to the high school, reached out to the program, please visit the court’s
on double jeopardy grounds. The students in court afterward to share the “tremendous website: https://appeals.cuyahogacounty.
attendance had the opportunity to read the positive feedback” from the students, stating u s/m o r e-lin ks/c o ur t-p r o g ra m s/
briefs filed in each case and discuss them in “the students loved reading the briefs and felt from-courtroom-to-classroom.
their classroom prior to the arguments. like they were part of the process.”
Judges Eileen T. Gallagher, Michelle J. “At a time when it is easy for young people
Sheehan, and Ray Headen heard the two to lose faith in our democracy, the 8th Appeals Bridget M. O’Brien is the Deputy
cases and conducted court in the same Court made a positive impact. Please continue Court Administrator for the
manner as if in the main courtroom in this program,” he urged. Eighth District Court of Appeals.
the Cuyahoga County Courthouse. After The event proved to be a worthwhile She has been a member of the
the proceedings concluded, the judges experience for not only the students and school CMBA since 2015. She can be
addressed questions from the students. The faculty, but also the judges and attorneys. reached at (216) 443-6398.