Page 44 - November 2019 BarJournal
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he Cuyahoga County Court court in Ohio, and possibly the first in the • In real time, lawyers can view the status
of Common Pleas, Domestic U.S. “Hopefully our prototype will be used of their cases/case dockets, and review a
Relations Division announced in other courts throughout Ohio and the list of pending cases they are involved in.
earlier this year the launch of country,” Judge Goldberg said. • Litigants can register for e-filing to view
TCourtConnect, a free mobile app There are two ways to login to document images from their own cases online.
designed to connect to litigants and attorneys CourtConnect: through an email address
with the Court. CourtConnect provides the or with an e-file account. Both methods Domestic Relations Court Services
public with quick, easy, 24/7 on-the-go access will allow users to flag cases, receive push • Domestic Violence (DV) Department
to court-related information through their iOS notifications regarding court dates and – DV information link(s)
and Android mobile devices. docket updates, and learn what is happening – FAQs
“CourtConnect is bringing our courtrooms with their cases in real time. An e-filing – Case management modification
to the palm of your hands. Through this account also allows users to view docket
technology and innovation, we’re helping images in real time. Child Support
families navigate the legal system and conserve This is the first version of CourtConnect; • Users can access a link to Ohio
their resources, while providing easy access Judge Goldberg and her team welcome Department of Jobs and Family Services
to important information about their cases,” feedback from users so they can build on the (ODJFS) website portal, then access child
said Judge Goldberg, who spearheaded the technology and make it better. support payment information.
app’s development. CourtConnect’s key features include: – At the ODJFS website, users can log
CourtConnect is intended to make the in to view status of their child support
experience of navigating a DR Court case Case Searches payments or make child support
more convenient and less stressful. She was • Lawyers can log into the app using their payments online through Ohio Child
motivated to develop CourtConnect because e-File account ID and password. Support Payment Central.
of two major issues in DR Court—the high • Obtain case information including:
number of self-represented litigants and the Parties, Docket, Service and Costs/Billing Court Fees
inability for individuals to pay child support • Non-lawyers can register for an account • Users can see the court cost information
in the courtroom. using their valid email address, then for their case, including their total court
Self-represented litigants receive flag individual cases to receive push costs, current balance due, and billing/
assistance in the Court’s Help Center, notifications: payment history.
launched in 2017 to provide resources for – When new documents are filed in your • Users can pay court costs online.
parties who don’t have lawyers. However, case
Help Center staff are not permitted to give – Hearing dates scheduled
legal advice or strategy. CourtConnect – Journal Entries filed For more information, please contact Ashley
levels the playing field. – Cases referred to Mediation or Family Monaco at (216) 443-3157 or amonaco@
CourtConnect’s cutting-edge technology Evaluation Services, or visit the Court online
is the first of its kind for a domestic relations – Continuances granted by the Court at: