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on the faculty of Tri-C where he taught   and that has been adopted by hundreds of state   Ulmer is proud to have an important place
        Greek mythology and Case Western Reserve   and local bar associations across the country.    in Cleveland’s history. The firm’s original name
        University where he taught business ethics.   Throughout the firm’s history, civic   of Ulmer & Berne was restored in 1988, and
        Today, Tri-C’s Robert L. Lewis Academy of   engagement  has remained one of  the firm’s   the firm moved to the Skylight Office Tower
        Scholars program, which was launched in 2008   core  principles.  Our  attorneys  honor  this   of Tower City in 2005. Now more than a
        in his honor, empowers ambitious students   commitment today by generously dedicating   century later, the firm remains committed
        with a passion for social justice to pursue his   their time and talents to community endeavors,   to the same goals that Yank Ulmer and Joe
        dream of a civil society.           following in  the footsteps  of  the firm’s   Berne themselves sought to achieve — to
          In 1958, Marvin L. Karp joined the firm and   founders. Presently, several Ulmer attorneys   practice law at the highest  skill level and to
        began the litigation career that would make   hold board positions or government roles   be active community leaders. The firm’s civic
        him one of the most distinguished members   with organizations throughout Cleveland. As   engagement is one of its driving forces, which
        of the Cleveland bar. Throughout Marv’s life,   a brief example, I serve as the president of the   will radiate in Cleveland for years to come just
        he  has  maintained  a  deep  commitment  to   board of trustees for the Cuyahoga County   as the efforts of the firm’s founders continue to
        ethics and professional responsibility, and   Public Library and as a vice president of The   impact the city today.
        has had a lasting impact on the Cleveland   City Club of Cleveland, Partner Inajo Davis
        legal  community.  Marv  served  as  president   Chappell serves on the board of the Cleveland
        of the Cleveland Bar Association, as a   Foundation and is the chair of the Cuyahoga   Patricia A. Shlonsky serves as the
        member and chair of the American Bar   County Board of Elections, and Partner    Partner-in-Charge of Ulmer’s
        Association’s Standing Committee on Ethics   Michael Ungar serves on the board of trustees   Cleveland  office.  In  addition  to
        and Professional Responsibility, and as an   for The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland and is a   guiding the office’s development,
        advisor to the ABA’s Commission to Evaluate   city council member for the City of Cleveland   client service, business, and
        the Model Code of Judicial Conduct. While   Heights, just as Joe Berne was many years ago.   operations efforts, Patty chairs the firm’s Employee
        president of the CBA, he developed “A Lawyer’s   This example of community work is reflective   Benefits and Tax Practice Groups. She has been
        Creed of Professionalism,” a respected guide   of numerous attorneys at the firm who strive   a CMBA member since 1986. She can be reached
        that promotes civility in the legal profession   each day to make Cleveland a better place.  at (216) 583-7012 or

                                                              simrath-leeza kaur kahai   ally rich

                                                              Jonathan r. king         Brian riedel
          Welcome Ulmer & Berne LLP
               neW                                            Tom lambotte             steven h. roth, Jd, MBa
                                                              GlobalMac IT
                                                                                       Roetzel & Andress, LPA
                 memBers Christine M. lasalvia
                                                                                       Jennifer ruehr
                                                                                       hintze Law PLLC
           andrea Bender             rachel renee hallman     Bridey Matheney          rachael l. russo
           Inbloom Consulting                                 Thrasher Dinsmore & Dolan LPA  Roetzel & Andress, LPA
           alex scott Bruce          Mary n. hanna            amanda M. Miller         isabel a. sanchez-Cummings
           Case Western Reserve Univ. School of Law           Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP  Iasc Counseling Services Inc.

           Michelle Buhr             nadeen hayden            kaitlyn victoria Morford   rebecca scherler
           Inbloom Consulting        Minc, LLC                Cleveland Marshall College of Law
           nathan a. Cemenska        shannon henry            stacey Marie Morris      samantha smudz
           Wolters Kluwer Elm Solutions  Jones Day            Koehler Fitzgerald LLC   Cohen & Company

           Thomas C. Cummings, Jr.   Matthew hilderbrand      haley Munroe             kyle stroup
           Steamlab Technologies Inc.  Jones Day              Inbloom Consulting
           emily day                 ayako hobbs              Billy nelson             Theresa n. Turk
                                                              Blue Technologies        The Turk Law Group
           nathan e. delong          russell horn             Christopher perrucci     reginald d. Williams
                                     University hospitals health System, Inc.  C R Perrucci Co., LPA  Reginald D. Williams, Attorney At Law
           anjenette M. fenske       ryan horvath             laura petkovsek          david W. Woodburn
           Unitedhealthcare                                   Anderson|Biro LLC        Roetzel & Andress, LPA
           sarah d. ficzner          Caitlin r. hunter        richard a. pignatiello   katrina yang
                                     Jones Day                City of Seven hills
           Megan Bush granson        Carrie ann harris Jesse   shalanda renee plowden
           Inbloom Consulting        Amrock, Inc.

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