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BarJournal                   CONTINuING LEGAL EDuCATION

                                    JULY/AUGUST  2015

      Cle   Your Insurance Company has Asked,   will theories of recovery by an insured against an   insurers and how the future of claims might be

            But What Should They Receive?     insurer when a claim is denied. Finally, discovery   different now that insurtech is growing.
                                              and trial tactics for both the plaintiff and defendant
                                                                                 Kimberly L. Rathbone, Rathbone Group, LLC
            Navigating The Duty To Cooperate   will be covered.
            When Faced With Demands For Smart   David C. Comstock, Jr., Bonezzi Switzer Polito &   Cyber Coverage – Risks and Trends
            Phone Inspections and Social Media   Hupp Co. L.P.A.                 Steven Strang and Rema Ina will review emerging
                                                                                 trends in cyber risks and then explore the
            Account Data During First-Party Claim   Dimitrios S. Pousoulides, Pousoulides Law Offices,   differences in insurance coverage under CGL,
            Investigations                                                       professional liability, criminal acts, and cyber liability
            All property insurance policies obligate the insured   Lunch (included with program)  policies.
            to cooperate with their insurer after a loss and                     Rema A. Ina, Gallagher Sharp
            provide relevant records and information. This   Insurance as a Risk Allocation Tool in   Steven D. Strang, Gallagher Sharp
            presentation will address carrier demands to   Corporate Transactions
            forensically examine the insured’s cell phone and   Matt and James will discuss various tools and   Insurance Coverage in the Cannabis
            social media account information during claim   techniques for shifting risks in commercial   Industry
            investigations, including the type of information   transactions onto insurance companies. The topics   The disparate treatment of the legality of the
            that is typically sought, what can be obtained,   addressed will include provisions in contracts   cultivation, processing, and sale of cannabis under
            and how insured’s can respond so that they can   addressing minimum insurance requirements,   state and federal law has resulted in a variety
            fulfill their post-loss duties while also protecting   maintenance of insurance standards, additional   of issues in the cannabis industry. Attendees will
            themselves from disclosure of private, sensitive,   insured status, waivers of subrogation, and primary   learn what the issues are, how they have been
            and irrelevant information.       and non-contributory issues. Also considered will   addressed by the courts, and how the cannabis
            Justin Rudin, Rutter & Rutter, LLC  be certificates of insurance and how they factor   and insurance industries are addressing them.
                                              into the big picture of risk allocation.  Daniel F. Gourash, Seeley, Savidge, Ebert &
            First Party Fire Claims: An Insured’s and   K. James Sullivan, Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP  Gourash Co., LPA
            Insurer’s Perspective             Matt Chiricosta, Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP
            This presentation will address the handling of a
            first-party fire claim, from the date of the fire   Insurtech Influencing Mainstream   register at:
            through trial, from both the insured’s and insurer’s   Insurance
            perspectives. Areas of the insurer’s investigation   Insurtech companies are creating technological!
            will be covered, including policy tools to determine   advancements that are revolutionizing the   For questions or to register over the
            pertinent claim facts. Claim denials based on policy   insurance industry. This session will explore how   phone, call (216) 696-2404.
            language and common law will be addressed, as   these start-ups are different from traditional


                    GREAT AGAIN
                                                                             Thursday, May 9 , 2019
                                                                                   at the CMBA
                                                                                 (216) 696-2404

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