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BarJournal                   CONTINuING LEGAL EDuCATION

                                    JULY/AUGUST  2015

      Cle        All events held at the CMBA   Many professionals estimate that one in four   regisTraTiOn 9:30 a.m.
                                              females and one in ten males are sexually
                 Conference Center unless otherwise
                 noted.                       abused as minors.  We will discuss R.C.   prOgraM 10 a.m.
                                                                                This interactive, high energy program will cover the
           april                              2151.421, Ohio’s mandatory reporting statute   Anatomy of a Jury Trial (Part I in our series).
           30      Reporting Sexual Predators:    that requires professionals to report sexual   At this program, you will learn from expert
                                              abuse of minors.  We will consider difficulties
                  The Duty for Reporters      professionals face when determining whether   litigators and then watch them in action with
                                                                                live demos.  You’ll have the opportunity to ask
                                              to file a report of sexual misconduct pursuant   questions and you’ll leave with tips and skills from
           May                                to this statute.  This presentation would be   our panelists.
           2      2019 Litigation Institute   appropriate to any professionals that have   Whether you’re brand new to the practice or
           9      O’Neill Bankruptcy Institute  a duty to report sexual abuse including   a need a refresher after a few years out of the
           10      Law Practice Management for the   attorneys, teachers, or medical personnel.  courtroom, this program is for you!
                  Modern Practitioner         Attendees will learn about common characteristic   Topics include:
           15      Foreclosures and Hot Topics in    of child sexual predators and how they are able to   •  Pre-trial considerations, including developing a
                                                                                  theme, pretrial filings, etc...
                                              use their positions of authority to commit these
                  Real Estate                 crimes.  We will discuss indicators in young children   •  Jury selection
           16 & 17   19th Annual Labor &      that may lead investigators to believe that a child   •  Opening statement
                  Employment Conference       was sexually abused.  Attendees will learn why   •  Lay witness examinations
                                              many child victims do not report sexual abuse and
           30      Smoking Hot Insurance Topics   why these cases can be difficult to prosecute.  We   Seminar Co-Chairs:
                  (Cannabis, Arson, Cyber, and More!)  will review cases of child sexual abuse in order that   Christopher D. Caspary, Zashin & Rich Co., L.P.A.
                                                                                Gregory A. Thompson, Hahn, Loeser & Parks LLP
           31      Social Security & Disability Section   we can learn how sexual predators are able to   Ryan T. Winkler, Tucker Ellis LLP
                                              victimize multiple victims for years or decades and
                  Spring Seminar              avoid prosecution.
           June                               We will discuss legislative efforts to prevent child   William J.
           5       Workplace & School Active   sexual abuse.  We will examine R.C. 2151.421,
                                              Ohio’s Child Abuse Reporting Statute that requires
                  Shooting:  Managing Risk, Litigation,   professionals in their official capacity to report child   O’neill great
                  Insurance and Emotional Impact  abuse.   Attendees will learn who has to duty to   lakes regional
           13     Appellate Practice 2019     report abuse, immunity for reporting sexual abuse,
                                              and the criminal and civil liability if professionals
           14      Fundamentals of Practice in the   do not report sexual abuse.  Mr. Bogdanoff will   Bankruptcy
                  Northern District of Ohio – LIVE  also review the physician patient privilege and the
                                              Attorney Client privilege with regard to reporting  institute 2018:
           18     Hot Topics for Estate Planners  child sexual abuse.  Attendees will review R.C.
                                              2901.13 (F), Ohio’s statute of limitations and learn  Make Bankruptcy
                                              how prosecutors can prosecute a child sexual
           CMBa Cultural                      predator decades after the crime is committed.    great again
                                              Finally, we will determine what we can do as
           legacy series                      professionals and as parents to prevent this type of   Thursday, May 9
                                              conduct from going unreported.
           Join the CMBA for an exploration of the                              CrediTs 7.00 hours CLE, with 1.25 hour
           contributions of immigrants to our great city   presenTer            professional conduct
                                              Philip Bogdanoff is a nationally recognized speaker
           and our legal community.           on various legal issues.  He has done numerous   regisTraTiOn 8:30 a.m.
           Thursday, april 25                 presentations on child sexual predators and   lunCh  12 p.m.
                                              has spoken on this issue to prosecutor groups,
                                              attorneys and legal professionals in Ohio, West
           The Impact of George Voinovich, Frank   Virginia and Indiana.  As a police legal advisor, he   prOgraM  8:50 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.,
           Lausche, and the Slovenian-American   would determine whether decades old sexual   Welcome & Introductions
           Community in Cleveland             abuse cases could be prosecuted and would advise   Philip D. Lamos, Office of the Chapter 13 Trustee,
           John Plecnik, C|M Law              police on how to conduct the investigation of these   Bankruptcy & Commercial Law Section Chair
           State Senator Kenny Yuko           cases.  Philip Bogdanoff’s interactive presentations   Adam L. Fletcher, BakerHostetler LLP, Institute
           Timothy J. Cosgrove, Partner, Squire Patton Boggs   have received great reviews in ten states and   Co-Chair
           (uS) LLP                           attendees describe his presentations as interactive,   Bridget A. Franklin, Brouse McDowell, LPA,
                                              creative, interesting and informative.  Please see his   Institute Co-Chair
                                              website that contains more information about his
           reporting sexual                   presentations,  Retail Apocalypse Now?
                                                                                Michael Sullivan, Second Avenue Capital Partners
           predators: a duty                  litigation institute:             David Berliner, BDO uSA, LLP
                                                                                Eric Cotton, Deputy General Counsel &
           to protect victims                 anatomy of a Jury                 Corporate Compliance Officer, SITE Centers
                                                                                Norman N. Kinel, Squire Patton Boggs (uS) LLP
           of sexual abuse                    Trial, part i                       Toward a Sea Change: Are the Small
                                                                                Business Reorganization Act and
           Tuseday, april 30                  friday, May 2                     Receiverships Feasible Alternatives?
                                                                                M. Colette Gibbons, McDonald Hopkins, LLC

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