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BarJournal                   FEATuRE

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      exTra                 legal legacy

                       ulmer & Berne LLP

                                BY PATRICIA A. SHLONSKY

                 he firm of Ulmer & Berne has   Ulmer’s priorities has and always will be civic   bond allowed them to succeed in this small
                 played an integral role in shaping   engagement, following the high standards set   space where they worked facing each other at
                 the legal, business, and community   by the firm’s founders.  a double desk and where one partner would
                 landscapes of Cleveland for more   Ulmer was formed by brothers-in-law Jacob   have to retreat when the other partner’s client
        Tthan 110 years. What once began    (Yank) M. Ulmer and J. M. (Joe) Berne who   required privacy.
        as a humble practice run by two Case Western   graduated from law school in the class of 1908.   Yank and Joe’s practice quickly outgrew
        Reserve University Law School graduates has   Their decision to practice together was based   their double desk. While the duo’s reputation
        grown to be one of Cleveland’s largest firms.   in part on their great friendship, but also   as  respected  lawyers  increased,  so  did  their
        As Ulmer has expanded and evolved over   because most firms in Cleveland at the time   standing as good citizens who were committed
        the years, the firm has remained true to its   refused  to  hire  Jewish  lawyers.  With  endless   to positively impacting the greater Cleveland
        Midwest  roots and  steadfastly  committed to   determination, the pair opened their practice   community. Joe has been described as a caring
        making a difference in the community. One of   in a single office on Public Square. Their close   person, true friend, and mentor to young

                                            Jacob (yank)       J. M. (Joe)
                                            M. ulmer           Berne

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