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COLuMN                 BarJournal

                                                                                                         JULY/AUGUST  2015

            praCTiCe Tip
            hoW To SAVE oN MEDICAL RECoRDS

                                                Michael A. Liner

                am intelligent, quick witted, and a   “on request, a health care provider or   Unlike many contingency fee practices
                good listener. But if my colleagues   medical records company shall provide   in which the standard fee agreement is
                practicing personal injury, medical   one copy of the patient’s medical record   1/3 or more of the total recovery, fees for
                malpractice, nursing home neglect or   and one copy of any records regarding   services performed in a disability case   sOCial seCuriTy & disaBiliTy
            I any other type of law with crossover   treatment performed subsequent to the   cannot exceed the lesser of 25 percent of
            into the Social Security disability world   original request, not including copies of   the claimant’s past-due benefits or the fee
            needs another reason to want to be my   records already provided, without charge to   limit set by the Commissioner of Social
            friend, consider this: I (along with the other   a patient, patient’s personal representative,   Security, which is currently $6,000.
            practitioners in our budding section) may   or authorized person if the medical record   Upon learning that your client has filed
            be able to help you and your clients get free   is necessary to support a claim under Title   or intends to file for disability benefits,
            medical records. Oh, and one more friend-  II or Title XVI of the “Social Security   have the client sign a HIPAA compliant
            worthy quality is that we love to share.  Act,” 49 Stat. 620 (1935), 42 U.S.C.A. 401   record release and send it to their disability
              O.R.C. § 3701.741 sets the (maximum)   and 1381, as amended, and the request   attorney with a specific request for the
            cost to acquire paper or electronic medical   is accompanied by documentation that a   records you need. Voila! Happy lawyers,
            records at $2.74 per page for the first ten   claim has been filed.”  happy clients, and maybe some new referral
            pages, $0.57 per page for pages eleven   The rationale for this exception is two-  partners to boot. What could be better
            through fifty, and $0.23 per page for   fold. First, many (if not most) claimants   than that?
            pages fifty-one and higher. To put that   seeking disability benefits from Social
            into perspective, to acquire the records   Security are indigent because they are out
            from a typical 250-page hospital visit   of work, a requisite to applying for benefits.   Michael Liner is chair of the Social Security
            would cost an attorney $96.20. I often   Second, disability attorneys are generally   and Disability Section. He is the founder of
            hear my colleagues in related practices   subject to a strict fee cap imposed by federal   Liner Legal, LLC. He represents disabled
            commiserating about the significant   statute,  which would make expensive   individuals across the U.S. before the
            investment they must make in medical   record acquisition cost prohibitive, creating   Social Security Administration. He has
            records to determine the viability of a   a barrier to claimants from being able   been a CMBA member since 2011. He can
            potential case (and whether they can   to hire skilled legal representatives to   be reached at (216) 282-1773 or mliner@
            assist), as well as the cost of acquiring   assist with the difficult disability process.
            records during the course of representation.
            As a possible way to sidestep these high
            costs, consider this practice tip: ask your   Guess who’s the fish..           …in the PHISH??
            potential and current clients if they have
            applied or intend to file for benefits from
            any of the disability programs offered by
            the Social Security Administration (“SSA”).
            If the answer is ‘yes’, ask if they either have
            an attorney assisting them with that matter
            or would like to be referred to an attorney
            for assistance (as we all love referrals).
              Disability attorneys in Ohio are fortunate    Email Phishing can cost you your COMPANY
            to be able to take advantage of one of the                          Call to schedule a Threat Analysis
            exceptions provided within O.R.C. §                               440.892.9997    ●
            3701.741. According to the Revised Code
            April 2019                                                                 Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 37
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