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BarJournal                   WOMEN IN LAW

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      feaTure  Cleveland’s legal “power Couples”

                                Models of Mutual Allyship

                                                                                            BY KAMI D. BRAuER

            n  the  New  York  Times  article,  “The   Judge Brendan Sheehan, a male “ally,”   for the District of Massachusetts (pictured below,
            Man Behind the High Court Nominee”,   appreciates the importance of gender parity in   along with her husband Arthur Segel). Thinking
            published June 17, 1993, Martin D.   the legal profession: “With a successful wife and   back on their time together during law school,
            Ginsburg, the now late husband of Ruth   two daughters about to enter the workforce, I   Deborah “is still a little rueful about Dan’s having
        IBader Ginsburg, stated: “I have been   recognize what an asset women are in the legal   graduated law school with honors because of her
        supportive of my wife since the beginning of   profession. For all new attorneys, men and women,   influence on his study habits,” while she, “did not
        time, and she has been supportive of me. It’s   I always try to engage them in the trial process   graduate with honors because of Dan’s influence
        not sacrifice; it’s family.” Three of Cleveland’s   as much as possible and provide feedback so they   on her study habits”.
        own legal “power couples” — Judges Brendan   become better lawyers. My door is always open   Deborah practiced with Hahn Loeser & Parks
        & Michelle Sheehan, Judge Dan A. Polster &   and I mentor over a dozen students and new   LLP, becoming the first female partner in the
        Deborah Coleman, and David A. Young &   lawyers each year.”            history of the firm in 1983. In fact, Deborah
        Marilena DiSilvio — reflect Mr. Ginsburg’s   When asked whether there was ever a time   was elected to the partnership a few weeks after
        sentiment. This year, one theme of the Women   that they “competed”, either directly or indirectly,   returning from her first maternity leave. Judge
        in Law Section is the importance of male “allies”   with each other, Her Honor offered some sage   Polster notes, “Deborah often had to work long
        in promoting gender fairness for women in the   advice: “Never take a law school class together!   hours and weekends, and had a fair amount of
        legal profession. The couples featured below   Brendan received the only ‘A’ in trial advocacy   travel. As a prosecutor I had much more control
        demonstrate how each are an ally for the other,   with Magistrate Judge Streepy and doesn’t let   over my work, and I had very little travel. As a
        furthering gender parity through example.   anyone forget it!”         result, I was the one who could almost always
                                              When asked about how they divide up the more   be home for dinner and in the evenings with
        Judges Brendan & Michelle Sheehan   mundane life responsibilities, the Sheehans prefer   our children.” He, however, “made sure our
        The Sheehans are the judicial dynamic duo. Judge   the “first come, first served philosophy — although   children understood that their mother had a
        Brendan Sheehan is a Cuyahoga County Common   Michelle has figured out how to never find the start   very important job which often required her
        Pleas judge, while Judge Michelle Sheehan was   button on the lawn mower and Brendan prefers   to work long hours.” Now, Deborah runs her
        recently elected to the Eighth District Court of   not to know how to work the washing machine.”   own practice, which she started five years ago,
        Appeals. Throughout their legal careers, they have                     providing mediation and arbitration services,
        been a constant support for each other: “For us,   Judge Dan A. Polster & Deborah Coleman  as well as providing guidance and advocacy on
        there are a million memories of supporting each   Although both attended the same undergraduate   matters of professional legal ethics.
        other’s legal career, especially when Brendan was   school with the same major, U.S. District Judge for   I asked each of the males to describe how he has
        a young prosecutor, just beginning his career and   the Northern District of Ohio Dan Polster and his   encouraged gender fairness either professionally
        Michelle was a new associate at a large firm. If one   wife Deborah did not meet until their first week in   or personally. During his 22 years as a federal
        person had to work late or was in trial, the other   law school at Harvard Law School at a party given   prosecutor, Judge Polster “always made sure to
        handled whatever needed to be done at home.”   by a mutual friend, Patti B. Saris, now Chief Judge   treat my female colleagues as equals.” Throughout

                                              Judge dan a. polster &
           Judges Brendan &                   deborah Coleman                    david a. young &
           Michelle sheehan                   Photo by Phil Straus               Marilena disilvio

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