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Your #MeetMeAtTheBar #MyCMBA
hOT Talks:
gOvernMenT shuTdOWn
our February hot Talks centered around the record breaking government shutdown with panelists
Milena sterio, Law Professor at Cleveland-Marshall College, Joseph White, Case Western
Reserve University Political Science Professor and Commander Brendan T. gavin,
Staff Judge Advocate for the Ninth Coast Guard District. They talked candidly about
the impact of the government shutdown with CMBA President, Marlon primes
moderating the discussion.
Join us at noon on the second Tuesday of every month here at the CMBA. Bring your
questions, your views, your criticisms — whatever you’ve got — and come meet us
at the bar for hot Talks. No need to RSVP. Each talk is open to the public and hosted
as a brown bag lunch event. View upcoming topics at
lOuis sTOkes
sChOlars prOgraM
louis stokes scholars program prepares for summer internships — Join us!
The Stokes Scholars Committee is preparing for the upcoming 2019 summer internship program,
now in its 8th year. Brandon Brown, a lawyer with the City of Cleveland and an Alumni Scholar, is
chairing the Committee this year. This diversity pipeline program is focused on students in college
who are graduates of the Cleveland Metropolitan School District and East Cleveland’s Shaw high
School, our partners in The 3Rs program. The Scholars are interested in exploring careers in law
and are introduced to the legal profession during their summer internships.
Our Stokes Scholars are succeeding. 96% are first generation college students. 94%
have graduated or will graduate with undergraduate degrees in 5 years or less.
Currently, 2 alumni scholars are law school graduates; 4 more will graduate
from law school in May 2019, and there are another six attending law
school — 1 2L and 5 1Ls.
There is still time to get involved this summer. Law firms and
law offices can sign up to host an intern at their office, sponsor
an intern with a donation to the Stokes Scholars Fund of the
Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Foundation, or sponsor a Lunch
& Learn session for the Scholars in June or July. Contact
Mary Groth at or call her at
(216) 539-5975 to get involved.
april 2019