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BarJournal                   WOMEN IN LAW

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      feaTure     here’s to the good guys

                                                                               BY RACHELLE KuZNICKI ZIDAR

           n the midst of seemingly endless stories   fine men I have had the privilege to know and   In contrast, it was my undergraduate
           of men abusing their position and power   learn from as well as to encourage the young   male Constitutional Law and Philosophy
           to subjugate women I can’t help but feel   women out there entering into the professional   professors at Bowling Green State University
           lucky, if not downright blessed. I have   world. Know that despite what you see in the   (shout out to Dr. Ludd and Dr. Child) who
       Ibeen fortunate in my personal and   news, lots of guys out there want you to do well   encouraged me to pursue a career in the legal
        professional life to be surrounded by men   and will treat you well. That’s not to say you   field when I was equivocating between going
        who have encouraged and mentored me   won’t ever be the recipient of a crass comment   into law or medicine. A male law school
        while at the same time managing to behave   or two, I certainly fielded my share, particularly   professor at Cleveland-Marshall College
        themselves. One would think this is a truly   during my stint as a waitress. But by and large,   of Law recommended me for a summer
        rare occurrence given the headlines of recent   decent guys back off when rebuked or even   clerk position when his former male student
        years. I know that’s not true however, and I   just given a cold shoulder. And most guys   (who was then working as a partner in a law
        know my experience is not that unusual. It’s   are decent. I know it’s not always the case but   firm) contacted him asking for candidates.
        just one that seldom, if ever, gets publicity.  fortunately for me, I have never had a man in   That male partner (now President of our
          I felt compelled to share my fairly mundane   a position of power or influence condition my   firm) encouraged and coached me in the
        story to express appreciation for the genuinely   opportunity on me being exploited in any way.  moot court competition I was involved in at
                                                                               law school. We won that, by the way. I was
                                                                               offered a full time position after clerking
                                                                               in what was, at the time, a predominately
                                                                               male litigation department. Since then,
                                                                               I have had the distinct pleasure to learn
                                                                               from some of the finest male trial lawyers
                                                                               in Lorain County, if not Northern Ohio
                                                                               (Rich Panza and Dan Cook). Other male
                                                                               lawyers at my firm have been true personal
                                                                               and professional mentors to me. They
                                                                               challenged me and gave me the confidence
                                                                               and opportunity to develop into a skilled
                                                                               litigator. I was even invited on golf outings.
                                                                                 When my husband and I started a family, I
                                                                               decided to take an extended leave of absence
                                                                               to raise my young children. I was told by the
                                                                               male leaders of my firm that they respected
                                                                               my decision and would welcome me back
                                                                               if and when I chose to return. They did
                                                                               welcome me back and made me a partner.
                                                                               I have worked at my firm for over 20 years
                                                                               now and can say I have been surrounded by
                                                                               men I admire and who are as dedicated to
                                                                               their own families as they are to their careers.
                                                                               These men exist. These are the good guys,
                                                                               and they deserve a pat on the back. I can’t let
                                                                               this opportunity pass without thanking my
                                                                               husband as well. We just celebrated our 25th
                                                                               Anniversary and he has always championed
                                                                               my personal and professional ambitions while
                                                                               building a successful career in his own right.
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