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            a conversation with her mother about the benefits   take steps to prepare for a time when they are no   attorney, healthcare powers of attorneys, living
            of doing proactive planning now, to make sure that   longer there to provide for him. The benefit of such   wills, and HIPAA authorizations.
            Carol has the proper planning in place should her   a trust is that it can be used to supplement any   When dealing with day to day concerns for
            health decline and additional help be needed. Carol   governmental benefits that he may be entitled to.   her mother, children, and herself and husband,
            should have all the estate planning documents that   Additionally, because it will never be in his control,   it is far too easy for Susan and her family to
            all adults need: a revocable living trust and/or a will,   Susan can determine what should happen to the   push off conducting estate planning, but a few
            a financial power of attorney, a healthcare power of   trust assets when Tommy dies. Any remaining   simple steps can make things easier for both their
            attorney, a living will and a HIPAA Authorization,   funds could go to their daughter or grandchildren   short-term and long-term interests. Fortunately,
            likely listing Susan as her agent where appropriate.   if they wished. If the funds were given directly to   an elder law attorney can help sort through the
            This will assure that should Carol’s health decline   Tommy, while it would still be possible to establish   varying issues of various family generations
            or if she were to become incapacitated, Susan   a special needs trust, that trust would be required   and can help develop a plan that can make the
            will be able to take care of Carol’s finances and   to include a payback provision paying back the   stressful situation of caring for loved ones easier.
            healthcare decisions without needing to attain   state for any Medicaid benefits paid on Tommy’s
            guardianship. There is additional planning that can   behalf. A distribution directly to Tommy could
            help prepare for possible long-term care. If Carol   also temporarily disrupt any benefits that he   Christina M. Bushnell
            is healthy, perhaps some Medicaid planning could   was currently on. While it would make sense to   and  Dawn  E.
            be done so that there could be assets preserved   establish the trust established now, often times   McFadden are sisters
            to supplement her care should she someday need   it provides the framework for future care while   and  owners  of
            to go into a skilled nursing facility. If planning is   largely remaining empty of assets. Susan and her   McFadden Bushnell
            done at least five years before skilled nursing is   husband could list the trust as beneficiary to their   LLC, where they help clients with elder law planning,
            required, this money can be preserved without   life insurance and retirement funds, assuring   special needs planning and general estate planning.
            penalty from Medicaid. Even if five years is not   that there would be funds available for Tommy’s   Christina has been a CMBA member since 2010.
            realistic, planning could be done to strategically   care when they are no longer here, and just as   Dawn has been a CMBA member since 2005.
            spend down mom’s assets. Most importantly, mom   importantly, providing future caregivers a roadmap   They can be reached at (216) 714-0090 or
            can make conscious choices now that will help to   to how to provide care and advocate for him.
            control her future.                Others, such as grandparents, can be encouraged to
             What about Susan’s daughter, Emily, who   direct any testamentary gifts to the trust rather than
            just went away to college? Much of the same   to Tommy outright. In addition to creating a trust
            planning that was done for her mother should   for Tommy’s benefit, Susan might want to create a
            be done for her daughter too. Although simpler   Memorandum of Intent. This evolving document,   Want to
            documents will often suffice, documents   while not legally binding, helps to provide details
            such as a will, a durable power of attorney, a   about Tommy’s care, needs, interests, healthcare
            healthcare power of attorney, a living will and   providers, therapies, and other information that   take center
            a HIPAA authorization are just as important.   would be useful should someone need to step in
            Unfortunately, many parents of young adults   and become Tommy’s caregiver and advocate.
            realize that their relationship legally changes   Last,  but  certainly  not  least,  Susan  and   stage at
            with their child only when an emergency arises.   her husband should do estate planning for
            Healthcare providers, landlords, universities, and   themselves. By establishing a revocable living
            financial institutions need not, and often cannot,   trust, they can manage their assets during their   the CMBa?
            provide information to the parent of an adult   lifetime and plan for what they want to happen
            child without the child’s permission. If Emily   with their assets after death. Importantly, they
            lists Susan as her agent for a durable power of   can name a guardian for minor children should
            attorney and healthcare power of attorney, Susan   they die or become incapacitated. They also
            will be able to step in and assist her daughter   can control how their assets should go to their
            should there be an emergency. Another benefit   children. The assets dedicated to Tommy can be
            of doing this planning when Emily is a young   directed to his supplemental needs trust. Assets
            adult is that it is a familiar topic as she enters her   that are to go to their typical child can be made
            adult life. Almost half of adults do no planning   available in stages as the child matures. Also, if   Chairing a program or
            as many do not wish to address the weighty   designed appropriately, any assets given to Emily   speaking at CMBA CLE is
            issues of death and incapacity. Future planning   through a trust can remain in the trust, offering
            for Emily will be easier because she has already   creditor protection that she would not be able to   a great way to build your
            started to address these issues.   establish on her own. Finally, a revocable living   exposure!  Email your
             It would also be wise to do some advanced   trust, if fully funded, avoids probate when the   name and CLE idea to
            planning for Tommy. Susan and her husband could   grantor passes away. Probate can be an expensive,
            establish a third-party supplemental needs trust   time-consuming and public process. Susan
            for their son’s benefit. This would allow them to   and John should also create durable powers of
            April 2019                                                                 Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 27
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