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Your                                                                                                                                             #MeetMeAtTheBar    #MyCMBA

        each month, these pages will be dedicated to highlighting just some of the activities and programs of your
        Cleveland Metro Bar.

          2019 OhiO MOCk Trial CuyahOga

          regiOnal COMpeTiTiOn

                 The CMBA congratulates all participants and volunteer judicial panelists for the successful 36th
                 Annual ohio Mock Trial Cuyahoga Regional Competition! Thanks to the efforts of 30 volunteer
                 judicial panelists and staff members at the County Courthouse on Feb. 15, 14 teams from eight high
                 schools that won both trials at January’s District Competition played each other for the Regionals.
                 The CMBa congratulates the six teams that represented our region at the state
                 Tournament in Columbus March 7–9:
                 John hay Campus – School of Science & Medicine, Team Medicine
                 Lake Ridge Academy, Team Blue
                 orange high School, Teams Coppola, hitchcock, Scorsese, and Tarantino

                 Each year, volunteer judges and attorneys serve as competition judicial panelists, scoring
                 and critiquing the performances of the region’s top young legal minds as they present their
                 arguments both for the prosecution and defense.  The case this year was a particularly
                 interesting one, about privacy rights surrounding the collection of evidence via drone. This
                 is ohio’s largest academic competition and Cuyahoga County high school participation was
                 among the highest yet.

                 our sincere thanks to the judges and magistrates of the Court of Common Pleas, Cleveland
                 Municipal Court, Cuyahoga County Eighth District Court of Appeals, Common Pleas Court,
                 Probate Court, and Domestic Relations Court for allowing us to use their courtrooms for this
                 special event, and to the Justice Center, Lakeside Courthouse, Law Library, and Cady Reporting
                 Services, Inc. staff for their gracious assistance.

                 For more photos of participating teams and of the volunteer judicial panelists, please visit
                 the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Foundation’s Facebook page.

                 If you are interested in volunteering as a judicial panelist for the ohio Mock
                 Trial in 2020, or for information about other upcoming mock trial volunteer
                 opportunities, please contact Competition Coordinator Jessica Paine by
                 emailing or by calling
                 (216) 696-3525 ext. 4462.

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