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             We have heard a lot about the deplorable   in the work force by raising strong daughters   and other professionals out there know
            and even criminal behavior of men over the   than by chastising a sexist co-worker. Let   there are plenty of male colleagues that
            last couple years. Let me be clear in saying   your daughters and other important women   will welcome you as an equal and cheer
            that this conduct is inexcusable. We should   in your life know their worth. Teach your   on your success. And if you do happen to
            continue to expose it, loudly condemn it and   sons to be gentlemen. To the male coaches,   fall victim to an unscrupulous coworker or
            support the women who are brave enough to   school teachers, supervisors and managers   boss, stand your ground and reach out for
            come forward. But in our justified collective   out there, point out the skills and intellect of   support and guidance. There are plenty of
            outrage at this behavior, let’s not lose sight   the young women in your stead. Value them   people, men and women, who will stand
            of the everyday associations where this isn’t   for who they are not how they look. Assume   by your side. If you don’t know any, I’d be
            the case. There are many great things men   they are as capable as the young men you   happy to introduce you to some.
            can do and have done to foster equality and   deal with on a daily basis.
            mutual respect between the sexes. They   Of  course  things  like  raising  public
            should keep doing it. And we women should   awareness, corporate training and   Rachelle Kuznicki Zidar is a
            openly recognize and applaud them. These   accountability are necessary and helpful.   member of the Litigation
            are our unsung heroes.             But modeling good behavior is often the      Department at Wickens Herzer
             As with many things, I think a lot of   best repellant to obnoxious behavior.   Panza and serves on the Firm’s
            this starts at home. From the time I can   Men who lead by example at home and   Board of Directors. Her practice
            remember, my father instilled in me the belief   in the workplace are perhaps the most   focuses on complex commercial litigation
            that I could accomplish anything in life if I   influential forces in creating the positive   including corporate dissolution, shareholder
            was willing to work hard enough. Dad treated   culture we strive for. I am grateful that   derivative suits and enforcing and defending
            me, my sister and my mother with respect.   fate brought me to an organization filled   non-compete agreements and restrictive
            In turn, we expected that same treatment   with men who do lead with character and   covenants. She has practiced at Wickens Herzer
            from other men in our lives and stood up for   integrity. My experience with opposing   Panza since 1996. She has been a member of
            ourselves. So to all you dads out there, you   counsel and the judiciary has been largely   the CMBA since 2013. She can be reached at
            may actually do more to curtail harassment   the same. I hope the young female lawyers   (440) 695-8000 or

                                                                                  MY BENESCH MY TEAM

                  We know your career is a journey, not a destination.

                                                           At Benesch you’ll find ongoing development
                                                           opportunities, a friendly, flexible environment and
                                                           a commitment to supporting and fostering strong,

                                                           community-minded business women—just like you.


             Benesch’s Women Lawyers (Cleveland): Jessica N. Angney, Elizabeth A. Batts, Yelena Boxer, Nancy R. Chawla, Susan E. Clady, Nora Cook, LeAnn Davis,
             Kristen-Elise F. DePizzo*, Cheryl Donahue, Leslie A. Drockton, Elizabeth R. Emanuel, Alison K. Evans, Julie R. Fenstermaker, Kathryn Kramer Gaydos, Patricia
             Geraghty, Lisa M. Kimmel, Laura E. Kogan, Jean Kerr Korman, Margarita S. Krncevic, Deviani M. Kuhar, Barbara A. Lum, Megan L. Mehalko, Amanda M. Miller,
             Alyssa A. Moscarino, Kelly D. Noll, Johanna Fabrizio Parker, Amanda P. Parker, Connie A. Porter, Julie M. Price, Sara V. Scheinbach, Addisah Sherwood, Kelly J.
             Skeat, Katherine A. Smith, Samantha J. Stahler, Jennifer L. Stapleton, Clare R. Taft, Kathleen M. Vlasek, Dana B. Weiss, Lori H. Welker, Susan M. White
                                                                        *Admitted to practice in New York only. Not yet admitted to practice in Ohio.

            April 2019                                                                 Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 31
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