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feaTure Celebrating the pioneering supremes
RBG and Justice Melody J. Stewart
n Thursday, March 28, 2019, judicial process. The State of Ohio and its citizens the remarkable careers and pioneering spirts
the CMBA’s Women-in-Law will greatly benefit from the judicial excellence of RBG and Justice Melody J. Stewart.
Section held the screening and leadership exemplified by Justice Stewart.
of the film “RBG.” RBG is Joseph J. Morford, Managing Partner
oa remarkable documentary of Tucker Ellis, LLP., and Ashley L. Jones, Awatef Assad is an Assistant Law
exploring Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader CMBA Board of Director and Criminal Director with the Cuyahoga County
Ginsburg’s extraordinary life and career. Defense Attorney, joined Justice Stewart in Law Department. She is a CMBA
Cleveland’s own pioneering attorney, Ohio the panel discussion. The panel discussed a Board member and the Chairperson
Supreme Court Justice Melody Stewart, joined number of issues confronting women in the for the WIL Social Justice Committee.
us for the evening. Justice Stewart is the first law. According to 2018 ABA statistics, just 36 Awatef has 21 years of experience as a public-sector
African-American woman elected to Ohio’s percent of lawyers are women, and a mere 5 litigation attorney. She represents government officials
highest court. She is a Cleveland native, a percent are African American. A recent ABA in complex federal and state cases, civil rights
former professor and Assistant Dean at survey found that many female attorneys with litigation, class-actions, and wage and hour claims.
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, and former more than 20 years of practice are leaving the Awatef led the County’s effort in the enactment of
Judge of the Eighth District Court of Appeals. legal profession. While women have made great the landmark Human Rights Ordinance. She has
Justice Stewart earned a Bachelor of Music strides, continuous open and honest dialogue been a CMBA member since 2015. She can be reached
degree from the University of Cincinnati, her is vital to effect change and to ensure diversity at (216) 698-2061 or
law degree from Cleveland-Marshall College and inclusion in the legal profession. Equal
of Law, and her Ph.D. from Case Western representation is crucial to our judicial system
Reserve University’s Mandel School of Applied and democratic society. Thank yOu, spOnsOr!
Social Sciences. We are grateful to our panelist, sponsors,
Justice Stewart is a well-respected jurist and is and to everyone who attended the uplifting
widely-known for her fairness and equity in the and spectacular evening. All were inspired by
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