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BarJournal                   COLuMN

        LegAL reSeArCH & WrITIng
                                    JULY/AUGUST  2015

                                            HAve YOU MAde THe TeCHnOLOgY

                                            PArAdIgM SHIfT In YOUr

                                            PrACTICe Of LAW?

                                            Joe Custer

                       ertainly  lawyers  use  technology competence to apply in any given   effectively may constitute a violation of
                       technology in their legal   state, that state’s high court (or rule-setting   ethical duties. Knowingly wasting client
                       research.  What  are  the  body) must adopt it. Since the promulgation   time and money due to lack of computer
                       ethics that govern the use of   of the ABA approved amendment, 28 states   skill is unacceptable.
            Ctechnology in law practice?      have adopted the revised comment to   Many tech tools are available to improve
            In  practice  today,  lawyers  should  be  aware   Rule 1.1 regarding the duty of technology   your efficiency and ensure that you are not
            that to be held competent they must be   competence. Ohio became one of 28 when   over-billing your clients for your written
            technologically competent, in addition to   it approved the revised comment to Rule 1.1   work. Lawyers should expect that training in
            exhibiting the substantive knowledge of   on February 14, 2015 with its effective date   MS Word and other office software tools will
            a certain area of law and the experience   being April 1, 2015.     become commonplace as more states adopt
            and ability to adequately represent a client   Competence does not mean perfection or   Model Rule 1.1, Comment 8 and update their
            regarding  a  specific  matter.  Technology   high  level expertise. It  does not mean  that   CLE requirements to match.
            competence is a broad concept, which entails   lawyers must now become early adopters,   In February 2017, the ABA adopted
            more than just searching electronic databases,   anxious to discover, purchase, and learn   the Model Rule for Minimum Continuing
            understanding e-discovery, or understanding   every possible new piece of legal tech. It does   Legal Education (MCLE) and Comments
            the best practices of data security. It’s about   require a baseline understanding of, and   to replace the version first adopted in
            everything that lawyers do and every tool that   reasonable proficiency in, the technology at   1988. This revision responded to new
            lawyers use to serve their clients. In 2012, a   hand. Of course, specific proficiencies and   Model Rule 1.1, Comment 8. One way to
            sea change happened in the legal profession   competences will vary between lawyers and   get started right away is to begin following
            when the American Bar Association formally   practice areas.        the “Legal Office Guru” for tips on making
            approved a change to the Model Rules of   What is the practical aspect of the new   MS Word and other office software tools
            Professional Conduct, making it clear that   duty to understand technology? If a lawyer is   work for you. Legal Office Guru  https://
            lawyers have a duty to be competent not only in   incompetent in technology and asked to take
            the law and its practice, but also in technology.   a case, the attorney has one of three choices:   In conclusion, now lawyers must grapple
             Competency directly relates to performing   1, sufficiently learn the necessary information   with the idea that failure to improve how we
            duties as an attorney (Model Rule 1.1) and   before undertaking the matter; 2, associate   use MS Word and provide our written work
            the ABA’s House of Delegates voted to amend   or consult with technical consultants   could be unethical and wasteful. It will take
            Comment 8 to Model Rule 1.1 in 2012 to   and  competent  counsel;  or  3,  decline  the   a paradigm shift perhaps for some lawyers
            read as follows:                  representation. Lawyers may seek help in   to begin seeing how using technology to
                                              meeting their duty of competence. However,   improve efficiency and provide better client
            (8)  Maintaining competence. To maintain   they may not delegate all technological   service is both the ethical thing to do and a
              the requisite knowledge and skill, a   duties  to others  in their  firm. That  would   good business decision. Hopefully you have
              lawyer should keep abreast of changes   be an abdication of their responsibility to   already made the change?
              in the law and its practice, including the   understand technology.
              benefits and risks associated with relevant   Now that there is a duty to develop and
              technology,  engage  in  continuing  study   maintain technology competence, failure   Joseph A. Custer, Associate Professor of Law
              and education and comply with all   to make a plan to keep up with technology   & Director, Judge Ben C. Green Law Library.
              continuing legal education requirements   invites clients to bring malpractice suits   Professor Custer teaches Advanced Legal Research
              to which the lawyer is subject.  and file ethics claims against their lawyers.   and Electronic Discovery at the Case Western
                                              The lawyer should start with understanding   Reserve University School of Law. He has been
             Each state is free to adopt, reject, ignore,   what technological tools they have at   a CMBA member since 2017. He can be reached
            or modify the Model Rules. For the duty of   their workplace. Inability to use MS Word   at (216) 368-2083 or
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