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                                   SOCIAL SECURITY & DISABILTY                            COLUMN

            study, “people who feel socially isolated may be   proposal that it caught the media’s attention.
            reaching out on social media, on some level, to   Yet, we’re seeing this in almost all LTD cases   Andrew November has dedicated 100% of his
            self-medicate.”  Dr. Primack added “we know   and there is no end in sight. As attorneys, we   practice to disability advocacy since 2009.
            these are filtered, curated photos. But on social   should regularly encourage our clients to run a   Andrew regularly overturns unjust denials
            media, these are real people, so you feel like   privacy check on their accounts to make sure   of Social Security Disability & Long Term
            this is very much real life.”      that they are not publicly sharing information.  Disability benefits for his clients. Andrew also
             Beyond the contention that social media                               founded Ohio’s first law practice dedicated
                                               1   Association  between Social Media  Use and Depression  among
            fails to accurately portray one’s lifestyle, the use   U.S. Young Adults, Liu yi Lin, Jaime E. Sidani, Ariel Shensa, Ana   to representing Deaf individuals who face
            of social media in a disability determination   Radovic, Elizabeth Miller, Jason B. Colditz, Beth L. Hoffman, Leila   discrimination. He has been a CMBA member
                                                M. Giles, Brian A. Primack (
            process is fraught with potential for factual   articles/PMC4853817/).  since 2009. He can be reached at (216) 282-1773
            and legal error. For instance, if social media   2  or
            is reviewed to determine whether a person
            is working, big problems will arise almost
            immediately. For Social Security, a person who
            earns less than Substantial Gainful Activity                  Adult, Child and
            (SGA), can still receive disability benefits.                 Adolescent Therapist
            Thus, I would have a lot of concern when
            someone might appear to be working when in                    Understanding the special
            actuality they are volunteering, participating
            in a therapeutic activity, or engaging in work                stresses of the legal profession.
            activity that is less than SGA.
             Another obvious problem is when an                           Rita Bryce, JD, LISW
            inference of one’s limitations is made from
            a photograph. I will never forget when an                     Web:
            insurance company, evaluating a claim based on                Phone: 216-438-1905
            diabetic neuropathy, issued a denial of benefits
            after discovering two pictures of my client. In the
            first picture she was wearing cowboy boots and
            in the second picture she was wearing flip flops.
            The insurance company stated in their denial
            that her choice in footwear was “inconsistent
            with an allegation of painful neuropathy.” The
            flipflops were medically prescribed orthotic
            sandals! It should go without saying that the
            denial was overturned, but my client’s benefits
            were ceased for eight months during the
            appellate process.
             Recency is another big problem. Who
            amongst us hasn’t posted a picture of us on
            vacation much later than the actual trip?
            Perhaps a fun new profile picture? Again, that
            is something we see on a regular basis with the
            insurance companies. The companies will often
            exaggerate our client’s daily activities stating
            that they are traveling, when the picture, while
            currently posted, was taken many years ago.
            Maybe even before the onset date of disability.
            Additionally, traveling is often therapeutic and
            in no way indicates a person’s ability to work
            on a regular and continuing basis.
             As we’ve seen, the primary issues in
            using social media to assist in a disability
            determination are relevancy, recency, and
            context. Simply put, social media is not an
            accurate portrayal  on one’s  limitations  and
            the use of it is rampant and under-covered by
            the media. It was not until Social Security’s
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