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            the Board should also evaluate whether the   significant  entrepreneurial  opportunity  the more of one, the less of the other. It stated
            company imposes restrictions on a worker’s   and control over their earnings: (1) drivers   that “entrepreneurial opportunity often
            entrepreneurial opportunities. Id. at 610.  made a significant initial investment in their   flowers where the employer takes a ‘hands off’
              What was the outcome? Applying the   business by purchasing or leasing a van   approach.” Id.
            refined test, the same type of workers who   and paying franchise fees; (2) drivers had   The  Board stated  that  its  independent
            the D.C. Circuit had held to be independent   nearly unfettered opportunity to meet and   contractor analysis is qualitative, rather
            contractors in 2009 were held to be employees   exceed their weekly overhead because they   than strictly quantitative. It explained that it
            by the Board in 2014.              had total control over their schedule — they   does not merely count up the common law
                                               could work as much as they wanted, when   factors that favor independent contractor
            The Board’s 2019 SuperShuttle Decision  they wanted; (3) drivers kept all fares they   status to see if they outnumber the factors
            In  January  2019,  the  Board  overruled  the   collected, so the more they worked, the   that favor employee status. Instead, it must
            refinement  and  returned to  the  traditional   more money they made; and (4) drivers had   make a qualitative evaluation of those factors
            common law independent contractor test that   discretion over the bids they chose to accept,   based on the particular circumstances of
            the NLRB had applied for five decades prior to   so they could weigh the cost of a particular   each case. Id.
            the 2014 FedEx decision.           trip (in terms of time spent, gas, and tolls)   The Board concluded that where the
              The current Board held that the FedEx 2014   against the fare received. Id. at *12.  common law factors demonstrate that the
            Board mischaracterized the D.C. Circuit’s   The  Board  held  that  these  factors   workers are afforded significant entrepreneurial
            opinion in  FedEx  2009  and  impermissibly   demonstrated the drivers had significant   opportunity — opportunity for economic gain
            altered the traditional common law test   opportunity for economic gain and significant   and risk of loss — the Board will likely find
            by  severely limiting  the  significance of   risk of loss, strongly supporting a finding of   independent contractor status. Id.
            entrepreneurial opportunity to the analysis.   independent contractor status. Id. at *14.
            SuperShuttle DFW, Inc., 367 NLRB at *11-12.                            What Does This Mean for the Future?
              The  Board  found  that  rather  than   The Role of Entrepreneurial Opportunity in   The  SuperShuttle decision is important
            considering the entrepreneurial opportunity,   the Independent Contractor Analysis  for any business that utilizes independent
            if any, afforded a worker by the common law   The  SuperShuttle  Board clarified the role   contractors, but especially for the growing
            factors, the 2014 Board limited that inquiry to a   entrepreneurial opportunity plays in its   sharing and gig economies. It most notably
            single aspect of a newly created factor, thereby   determination of independent contractor   affects the app-based companies where
            altering the test and greatly diminishing the   status. It explained that entrepreneurial   workers are free to log on and off at will, such
            significance of entrepreneurial opportunity.   opportunity is not an individual factor in the   as drivers for Uber and Lyft.
            Id. at *8.                         test. Rather, it’s a principle to help evaluate the   The  sharing  and  gig  economies have
              The  SuperShuttle case addressed whether   overall significance of the ten common law   experienced explosive growth. According to
            drivers of shared ride vans were independent   factors. Id. at *2.     a study by PwC, the global sharing economy
            contractors. The drivers supplied their own   The Board stated that common law factors   is estimated to grow from $15 billion in 2014
            vans and paid SuperShuttle an initial franchise   that support a worker’s entrepreneurial   to $335 billion by 2025. This year will see the
            fee, a decal fee, and a flat weekly fee for use of   opportunity generally indicate independent   first sharing economy IPOs, as both Uber and
            the SuperShuttle brand and its dispatch system,   contractor status. Conversely, factors that   Lyft have filed to go public. This is the future
            which they connected to with a device. When   support employer control indicate employee   of work.
            a driver wanted to start work and pick up an   status. Id.               An increasing number of states are seeking
            assignment, he could do so by turning on the   The  Board explained  how  this  analysis   to expand employment protections to workers
            device. Customers could coordinate pickup   will be applied to future inquiries: “Going   in the sharing economy. But the SuperShuttle
            requests and pay via the national SuperShuttle   forward,  we  will  continue  to  consider  how   decision signals that the current NLRB will
            website or phone number. The pickup requests   the evidence in a particular case, viewed   not follow that lead. With this decision,
            then appeared on the drivers’ devices as job   (as it must be) in light of all the common-  employers can expect it to be easier to show
            bids that drivers could choose to accept or   law factors, reveals whether the workers at   that a worker is an independent contractor
            decline. For each bid, the device displayed   issue do or do not possess entrepreneurial   instead of an employee.
            the fare amount, the passenger’s name and   opportunity.” Id. at *11.
            address, and the pickup time. Drivers were   The Board explicitly rejected the  FedEx
            entitled to all fares paid by customers and did   2014  Board’s  holding  that  consideration  of   Aaron Schmidt is the Vice
            not share the fare with SuperShuttle. Drivers   entrepreneurial opportunity should be limited   Chairman of Ohio’s State
            paid their own expenses, which included gas,   to one aspect of a single factor. Id.  Employment Relations Board,
            tolls, licensing fees, and vehicle maintenance.   The  Board  stated  that  its  subtle  shift  in   which administers the state’s
            Id. at *4-5.                       emphasis from control to entrepreneurial     collective bargaining laws for
              The Board held that the drivers were   opportunity did not fundamentally alter the   public employers and employees. He is a graduate
            independent  contractors  under  the  independent contractor analysis. The Board   of Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. He has
            traditional common law test, finding that   reasoned that control and entrepreneurial   been a CMBA member since 2004. He can be
            the  following  facts  demonstrated  they  had   opportunity are  two  sides of  the  same  coin:   reached at
            May 2019                                                                   Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 37
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