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            House, it is deemed rejected. Once it is returned   On February 12, 2019, the Union Cabinet   Benefits for setting up IFSCs for foreign
            to the originating House, the amendments   approved the establishment of a Unified Regulator   investors include:
            suggested by the other House are considered,   (“Authority”) for regulating all the financial   •  State-of-the-art infrastructure on par with
            and the originating House has the option to accept   services in IFSCs through the International   other global financial centres
            the amendments or reject them. When both   Financial Services Centre Authority Bill, 2019   •  Liberal tax regime for 10 years
            Houses are not in agreement, the President may   (“IFSC Bill”) in the Rajya Sabha, which was   •  Strong regulatory and legal environments
            initiate a joint sitting of the Houses. Thus, a bill   drafted by Department of Economic Affairs   •  A   wholly transparent   operating
            is a statute in draft form, and cannot become law   and Ministry of Finance. Since the IFSC Bill   environment, complying with global best
            unless it receives the approval of both Houses of   is a federal bill, it will require approval of both   practices and internationally accepted laws
            Parliament and the President’s assent.  Houses and assent of President of India to   and regulatory processes
              An international financial services centre (IFSC)   become law of the land.  •  A modern transport, communications and
            caters to customers outside the jurisdiction of   The IFSC Bill is applicable to all IFSCs set   internet infrastructure
            domestic economy, dealing with flows of finance,   up under Section 18 of the Special Economic   •  The only place in India that allows offshore
            financial products and services across borders. It   Zone Act, 2005 (SEZ Act).  A Special Economic   transactions
            acts as a global financial hub and supports a host   Zone (“SEZ”) is a geographical region that has   India’s first IFSC is established at Gujarat
            of financial services including banking, capital   more liberal economic laws than the country’s   International Finance Tec-City (GIFT City),
            markets and insurance. Some of the services that an   typical economic laws. SEZs are established to   Gandhinagar, Gujarat, by the state government
            IFSC may provide are: (i) wealth management; (ii)   support development, promote rapid economic   under the SEZ Act, bringing together world
            global tax management and cross-border tax liability   growth by providing tax, and provide business   class infrastructure, connectivity, people and
            optimization, which provides a business opportunity   incentives for attracting foreign technology   technology on a single platform for businesses
            for financial intermediaries, accountants and law   along with investment. These are not merely   across the world. It seeks to bring to India,
            firms; (iii) global and regional corporate treasury   SEZs, but may be called as “favored investment   financial services transactions that are currently
            management operations that involve fund-raising,   destinations” for foreign establishments. The   carried on outside India by overseas financial
            liquidity investment and management and asset-  IFSC Bill and the SEZ Act both defines IFSCs   institutions and overseas branches/subsidiaries
            liability matching; (iv) risk management operations   the same way, as defined in the SEZ Act and,   of Indian financial institutions to a centre, a
            such as insurance and reinsurance; (v) merger   accordingly, it means any centre as the Central   location physically on Indian soil, that has
            and acquisition activities among trans-national   Government may approve and prescribe the   been designated for all practical purposes as
            corporations; (vi) asset management and global   requirements for setting up and operation   a location having the same eco-system as its
            portfolio diversification undertaken by pension   of the same.         present offshore location.
            funds, insurance companies and mutual funds.  The IFSC Bill establishes a unified authority   With the pilot launch of GIFT City, IFSC
                                               to develop and regulate the financial services   participants experience issues regarding
                                               market in the International Financial Services   registration with multiple regulators where
                                               Centres in India, and for matters connected   services transgress jurisdiction of one regulator
                                               therewith or incidental thereto. The Authority   to the other.  These issues not only lead to
                                               shall consist of a Chairperson, one Member each   the reduced ease of doing business, but, more
                                               to be nominated by RBI, SEBI, IRDAI and the   importantly, to the risk of matters falling
                                               Pension Fund Regulatory and Development   through the cracks, especially when they fall
                                               Authority (PFRDA),  two  members  to  be   in-between jurisdictions of such separate
                                               nominated by the Central Government and two   regulators. It is hoped that the IFSC Bill will
              Presently, in India, the banking, capital market   other full-time or part-time members. All powers   help resolve these growing pains, and a more
            and insurance sectors are regulated by multiple   exercisable by the above mentioned financial   comprehensive view is achieved that will further
            authorities: the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for banks,   sector regulators under the respective Acts shall   expedite the growth of the IFSC to make them
            the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)   be solely exercised by the Authority in the IFSCs   globally competitive.
            for capital markets, and the Insurance Regulatory   in so far as the regulation of financial products,
            and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) for   financial services and FIs that are permitted. The
            insurance corporations. With an aim to augment   transactions of financial services in the IFSCs   Renuka Raman, Esq. is the managing
            the “ease of doing business”, a unified regulator   shall be done in the foreign currency as specified   partner of Renuka Raman, Esq LLC.
            for IFSC will align domestic IFSCs with any other   by the Authority in consultation with the Central   She received her masters in business
            international financial services centre, and ensure   Government. With the introduction of IFSC,   law from The Ohio State University
            targeted and cohesive regulation of IFSCs. An IFSC   commercial banks would be allowed to open   and is licensed in the United States
            brings to India the financial services and transactions   offshore banking units (OBUs) within SEZs,   (State of Ohio and State of New York), India and the
            that are currently carried out in offshore financial   which are deemed as overseas branches. Such   United Kingdom, and has over 10 years experience
            centers by Indian corporate entities and overseas   OBUs can trade in foreign currencies in overseas   handling matters relating to corporate law and
            branches or subsidiaries of financial institutions (FIs).   markets and also with Indian banks, raise funds   international transactions. She has been a CMBA
            It provides business and regulatory environments that   in foreign currency as deposits and borrowings   member since 2015 and is Vice Chair of the CMBA’s
            are comparable to other leading international financial   from non-resident sources and provide loans   International Law Section. Renuka can be reached
            centres in the world, such as London and Singapore.   and liability products for clients.  at (440) 381-2593 or
            May 2019                                                                   Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 33
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