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BarJournal                   INTERNATIONAL LAW

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      feAtUre  india’s next Big Business initiative

                Impact of IFSC Bill 2019 on Foreign Investors

                                                                                           BY RENuKA RAMAN

                  he Indian Legislative System,   First Reading: Generally, there is no debate on the   the Rajya Sabha. The report of this committee
                  like that of the United States,   introduction of a bill. The Minister of any House   may be unanimous or a majority opinion. If it
                  is bicameral, with two levels of   who is given the opportunity to introduce a bill,   is a majority opinion, the minority is allowed to
                  scrutiny before approval of any   does it by stating broad ideas; this process is called   give the “Minutes of Dissent” in the report. The
        T law. Parliament is the supreme    “moving the bill.” If the House is in favor of the   submission of the report by the Select Committee
        legislative body of India, consisting of two   introduction of the bill, then the bill is introduced   or Joint Committee members is followed by a
        Houses - Rajya Sabha (Council of States) and   and moved (passed) to the next stage.  detailed “Clause to Clause” discussion on the bill.
        Lok Sabha (House of the People). The powers to
        make law are at two levels: (a) Union (Federal)   Second Reading: After introduction, the bill   Third Reading: After the second reading, the
        Government for the entire country and (b) State   is subject to four alternative courses of action   House is given sufficient time to study the clauses
        Governments for their respective states. Articles   by the originating House.  The bill may be: (i)   of the bill. Following review, the Minister of
        107 (provisions as to introduction and passing of   taken into consideration; (ii) forwarded to a   the originating House moves that the “bill is
        bills), 108 (Joint sitting of both Houses in certain   Select Committee of the House; (iii) referred   passed”. The bill is finally passed as a whole, and
        cases), 109 (special procedure in respect of Money   to a Joint Committee of both Houses, i.e. Rajya   this marks the work of one House coming to an
        Bills), 110 (Money Bills) and 111 (assent of bills)   Sabha and Lok Sabha; or (iv) circulated / put on   end. The bill is sent to the other House, where
        of the Constitution of India provide powers to   website for purpose of eliciting public opinion.   the same three-reading procedure is followed.
        central government to formulate laws of India   Select Committee/ Joint Committee: The   In the second House, there are three courses for
        through Parliament. A Federal Bill needs to be   Select Committee or the Joint Committee   the bill: passed as it was passed in the originating
        passed in both Houses of Parliament, and requires   members are selected on the basis of expert   House, amended, or totally rejected. In case of
        assent of the President of India to become an Act.   knowledge, and their members also include the   amendment or rejection, the bill is returned to the
          This descriptive flowchart provides a summary   opposition. If it is a Joint Committee, then 2/3   originating House. If the second House does not
        of the procedure for a bill to become law.   members are from Lok Sabha and 1/3 are from   return the bill for six months to the originating

                      introduction            Publication            first reading             select
                       of the Bill           in the gazette                                  committee

                     first reading
                    second reading           Bill sent to the       third reading              reading
                                              other House
                     third reading

                      Acceptance/             President’s
                      rejection by                                      LAW
                   origninating House           Assent

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