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be protected by the FIL. Local governments,   jurisdictions, foreign investments that might   Commerce and Finance Ministries and other
        for purpose of incentivizing FIEs to invest in   affect China’s national security will be subject   powerful authorities much leeway to craft more
        their own territories, may make special policy   to a national security review process (“NSR”).   detailed implementing regulations. With the
        commitments to give FIEs preferential treatments.   The NSR decisions are final decisions which are   three existing foreign investment statutes to be
        Article 25 of the FIL requires local governments   not subject to administrative reconsiderations   repealed, their associated regulations may be
        to fulfill their policy commitments to and   or judicial review (Art.35 of FIL). China did   amended or abolished accordingly. The process of
        contracts with FIEs. However, in practice, some   not have a formal NSR process until 2011. Since   drafting new regulations and amending existing
        local governments made policy commitments   then, most of the NSRs have been applied during   ones can take months or years, but FIEs shall be
        to FIEs that were beyond the governments’   foreign acquisitions of domestic companies with   consulted during the implementation process
        authority. If the local governments breached their   particular concerns on strategic and sensitive   (Art.10 of FIL).  FIEs established under the
        contract with FIEs, disputed provisions in the   industries such as defense, agriculture and   three existing foreign investment statutes will
        contract would be declared as invalid by a court   energy, etc. With many countries currently   have five years to comply with the Company
        because the local governments had no authority   restricting technology exports to China and   Law and Partnership Law (Art.42 of FIL). As
        to make those policy commitment. However,   China’s own innovation efforts, China issued a   such, shareholders in equity or cooperative joint
        under the FIL, even though the contract between   regulation in 2018 requesting that any transfer   ventures may have to renegotiate or confirm the
        local governments and FIEs are invalid because   of domestic sensitive technologies to foreign   terms of their joint ventures, such as corporate
        the policy commitments are made beyond the   investors be subject to NSR. Therefore, if certain   structure and capital structure, to ensure that
        governments’ authority, the local governments   technologies are transferred during foreign   they comply with the FIL.
        must compensate the FIEs for any loss sustained   acquisitions of domestic companies, the NSR
        as a result (Art.25 of FIL).  In addition to the   process will be triggered.
        existing dispute resolution mechanism, Article                                   Yao Liu is an attorney with Cavitch
        26 of the FIL allows FIEs to file complaints   Implementation of the FIL         Familo & Durkin Co., L.P.A.  As a
        against administrative agencies through an FIE   With 42 articles, the FIL sets out only the   bi-lingual and bi-cultural lawyer,
        complaint working mechanism, which essentially   basic framework of China’s new era for foreign   trained in both the United States and
        gives FIEs preferential treatment over domestic   investments – relaxing regulatory control   China, he routinely assists clients
        entities with regard to dispute resolution.  on FIEs and offering FIEs equal treatments   with unique issues that arise in cross-border
                                            as domestic entities. However, the FIL gives   transactions. He has been a CMBA member since
        National Security Review            government authorities such as the National   2014. He can be reached at (216) 621-7860 or
        Consistent with the practice of many other   Development and Reform Commission,

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