Page 10 - September2019_BarJournal
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Gabrielle T . Kelly
ivility. Collegiality. These level of interaction between lawyers who is having difficulty with. Typically, the
tenets are frequently used were frequently on opposite sides in cases. lawyer will receive responses from counsel
to describe the type of It was refreshing to see everyone engaged representing policyholders and insurers, so
behavior that members of in lively discussions about professional and the lawyer obtains both perspectives.
C the legal profession should personal events. I guarantee that you will see the benefits
display. Unfortunately, too often, I have For those interested in the Insurance Law of joining and becoming an active member.
heard about or seen instances of lawyers Section, there are several opportunities for You will mingle with other members in
on opposite sides of an issue employing networking and professional development. your practice area and contribute to the
unprofessional tactics, verbal abuse, and Throughout the year, the section will host community by creating useful content.
other behavior that threatens the integrity after-work receptions (with the next happy Every time I leave a meeting or event, I am
of the legal profession. hour event in the fall). The section will also always reminded of the camaraderie among
It is unfortunate whenever this type of hold CLE seminars on cutting edge topics, the lawyers in our section that transcends
behavior occurs; however, I have found such as insurance and the cannabis industry, any particular issue or dispute in a case. As
a group where opposing sides are not just insurance coverage for losses from phishing Chair, I am looking forward to providing
friendly with each other, but they are scams, and how homeowner’s policies members with the same benefits that have
actually friends outside of the courtroom. respond to claims against an individual, kept me engaged in the Insurance Law
That group is the Insurance Law Section of where industry thought-leaders share insights Section over the years.
the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association. into the latest trends and best practices. Our section meets the second Tuesday of
The Insurance Law Section brings The section also provides access to every month at noon and we welcome new
together lawyers representing policyholders, educational resources to its members. The attendees. Hope to see you at our next meeting!
insurance companies, and other entities section sends an insurance law e-bulletin
related to the insurance industry in various with summaries of insurance law cases
types of insurance coverage cases. The recently decided in Ohio’s appellate courts, Gabe Kelly is an attorney at
section’s mission is to provide quality CLE the district courts of Ohio, and the Sixth Brouse McDowell focusing on
programs, professional development, and Circuit Court of Appeals. For individuals insurance recovery and
networking opportunities for its members. seeking to become certified specialists with litigation. She is a Certified
As the 2019-20 Chair of the Insurance Law the Supreme Court in the area of insurance Specialist in Insurance Coverage
Section, I am pleased to represent such an law, the section provides study materials Law, and has been a member of the CMBA
excellent group of legal professionals. created by other members who have since 2007. She can be reached at (216)
I initially became involved in the successfully passed the exam. The section 830-6826 or
Insurance Law Section in 2012 when it was will also assist in organizing a study group
first established. When I first joined the for interested members.
section, I did not know what to expect. As a But, the best part of the section — and a GET ENGAGED!
newer lawyer with limited experience in the great reason to attend monthly meetings — For information on how to join
practice area, the only insurance lawyers is the ability to obtain and share advice and the Insurance Law Section,
that I knew were at my firm. Until that recommendations on a legal issue with your contact Melanie Farrell at
point, I had only seen opposing counsel’s peers. During the section meeting, we allow or
names on a brief. I arrived at my first and encourage members to seek input from (216) 539-3711.
meeting and was pleasantly surprised by the the group about any issue that the lawyer