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FROM THE PRESIDENT                      COLUMN

           A FAST START

           OUT OF THE GATE

            Ian N . Friedman

               t was 2016 when I was interviewed by the CMBA   Currently, there are 12 voting members of the Justice   •  The new Cybersecurity, Data Privacy & Emerging
               Nominating Committee for consideration of   Center Steering Committee. While the existing mem-  Technologies section has kicked off with great
               being recommended to the Board of Directors   bers represent a broad spectrum of interested parties,   enthusiasm from leaders Craig Marvinney and
               to eventually serve as President of this esteemed   a glaring absence is that of the private bar. I, along with   Bill Berglund.
            Ibar association. One question from a committee   CMBA CEO Becky McMahon, Incoming-President   •  The Criminal Law section is also off to a great start
            member still stands out. I was asked what my agenda   Joe Gross and Vice-President Rose Fini, have met   with newly appointed co-chairpersons Ashley
            would be if elected. In looking back, I am relieved   with the consultants engaged to analyze and make   Jones and Marissa Darden.
            that I responded by stating that I did not have a   recommendations to the Steering Committee. We   •  Awatef Assad, CMBA Board member, has secured
            specific agenda that I was committed to at that time.   have also been advocating for the CMBA’s inclusion as   collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic to present
            My feeling was that it would be near impossible to   an additional indispensable voice at the voting table.   a wellness institute program aimed at address-
            predict what the critical needs of the Bar would be   Our members have expressed a host of concerns that   ing the mental and medical health needs of all
            three years later. Of course, I had my thoughts should   need to be introduced and considered so that the   lawyers faced with the ever-increasing stresses
            there not be any glaring priorities at the time that   end product serves the needs of all lawyers and their   of the profession;
            my term commenced, but having led several other   clients. As the go-to legal organization in northeast   •  The third Leadership Academy class was an-
            organizations in the past, it has been my experience   Ohio, we will zealously advocate for all lawyers and   nounced in July and will begin in September.
            that the tasks to be performed reveal themselves. Since   clients who would be touched by the Justice Center   Many of the future bar leaders will come from
            my term has begun, there has been no shortage of   initiative. This will be the focus of my next column   these classes.
            need for immediate attention to issues that impact   in the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal.  •  The Judge4Yourself judicial qualification initiative
            our northeast Ohio legal community. While I would   Beyond the above important issues, I am pleased   has been overhauled. New co-chairpersons Judge
            prefer to pace for a figurative annual marathon, this   to report that the CMBA continues to lead our pro-  C. Ellen Connally and former CMBA President
            term has started as a sprint and there is no sign of a   fession in extending greater access to justice for so   Darrell Clay are working closely with the coali-
            slow down in the near future.      many people in need while striving to improve the   tion’s five participating bar associations, and are
             The first unexpected issue occurred on July 18th   quality of life for our membership. Here are just a   considering the addition of other organizations
            when Gov. DeWine signed the budget bill, known as   few examples:        including one representing the interests of county
            House Bill 166, which carved out Ohio’s self-employed   •  We are finalizing another three-year strategic plan   and municipal prosecutors.
            lawyers from the business income deduction af-  with the goal of becoming the primary destination   •  Many of our volunteer programs, including The
            forded service-based professions throughout the   for all issues of law and justice by 2026.  3Rs, are launching again. To date, we have reached
            state. The Ohio State Bar Association is taking the   •  Our listening tour has continued as we meet with   more than 35,700 Cleveland and East Cleveland
            lead in this fight against what has been referred to as   law firms, board members, sections and commit-  students. More than 2300 volunteers have contrib-
            Ohio’s Misery Tax and the CMBA is going to assist   tee leaders and involved individuals to gain their   uted over 119,000 volunteer hours which equates to
            as needed. During the recent American Bar Associa-  insight into how we can better serve them and   approximately $12 million dollars in donated time.
            tion conference in San Francisco, I assured OSBA   the legal community.
            President Eleana Drakatos that the CMBA stood in   •  The CMBA’s own Mary Groth became the   This is but a sample of the important developments
            full unity with the OSBA against the unfair tax and   President of the National Conference of   and work that are being realized daily at the CMBA.
            would undertake any requested steps to prevent the   Bar Foundations.  We are busy continuing to make a positive difference
            tax from going into effect in 2020. The CMBA Board   •  CMBA Assistant Bar Counsel Kari Burns has   in the lives of so many. As I anticipated at my original
            of Directors is closely monitoring all developments,   been tasked with leading our Continuing Legal   nominating interview, I am loving every minute of
            including the contemplated litigation that would be   Education program.  it. There is a place for everyone at the Bar. I hope to
            brought, based on an Equal Protection challenge, to   •  Former WKYC News Director and film producer   see every one of you soon.
            halt the execution of the tax.       Brennan Donnellan has joined the CMBA as the
             In what may be considered one of, if not the most   Director of Marketing & Communications.
            important, developments affecting the regional justice   •  Through the CMBA’s Alternative Dispute Resolu-  Ian Friedman is a partner at Friedman & Nemecek,
            system, officials have been called on to determine the   tion Section and in partnership with Cuyahoga   L.L.C., which is a Cleveland-based criminal defense law
            future of the current Justice Center. What began as   County, we are nearing the start of a pro bono me-  firm. He is the current President of the CMBA. He has
            a question of “repair or relocate,” has evolved into a   diation service to address claims of discrimination   been a CMBA member since 2002. He can be reached
            question of comprehensive systematic improvement.   brought before the Human Rights Commission.  at (216) 928-7700 or

            SEPTEMBER 2019                                                             CLEVELAND METROPOLITAN BAR JOURNAL | 5
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