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Darci Del Torto

                                                                                   Firm/Company 8th District Court of Appeals
                                                                                   of Ohio
            Suzann                                                                 Title Judicial Attorney
                                                                                   CMBA Join Date: 2014
            Moskowitz                                                              College Miami University
                                                                                   Law School The University of Akron School of Law
                                                                                   IF YOU WERE NOT PRACTICING LAW,
            Firm/Company The Moskowitz Firm
            CMBA Join Date: 2004                                                   WHAT WOULD YOUR PROFESSION BE?
                                                                                   If I were not practicing law, I think I would teach.
            College Cornell University                                             There is something so very rewarding, both
            Law School Stanford Law School
                                                                                   professionally and personally, about helping people
                                                                                   become the best version of themselves. I love
            Trademark and copyright law is inherently                              presenting ideas and thoughts to people and like
            interesting. My clients are building new and                           to think I have a knack for keeping folks interested.
            interesting things, in multiple fields, and I’m lucky to               If I could contribute to people learning in any way, I
            be part of that adventure.                                             think it would be a job well done.
            A RECENT MILESTONE FOR YOU?                                            WHAT DO YOU LOVE YOU ABOUT
            This summer marks the beginning of my 10th   John M. McCarty           YOUR JOB?
            year of The Moskowitz Firm. It was a scary career                      I love the law and being in the legal profession. What
            transition, there have been madly stressful days   Firm/Company Phillips & Mille Co ., L .P .A .  I like best about my job is it allows me to practice
            and some crazy hours, but I have flexibility, great   Title Associate Attorney  other things I love, such as writing, researching,
            colleagues, the ability to choose my clients, and                      problem-solving, justice, helping people, collaborating,
            much more quality time with my family.  CMBA Join Date: 2019           fairness, seeing both sides, challenges, my co-workers,
                                               College Ohio Northern University
                                                                                   my Judge, all of the Judges, logical argument, listening,
                                               Law School Cleveland-Marshall College of Law  editing, and learning. Maybe this answer would be
            TELL US ABOUT YOUR FAMILY.                                             shorter if I just say: Everything!
            My boys, Jacob (13) and Asher (11) have long since   FAVORITE CLEVELAND HOT SPOT
            surpassed me in nearly every way including without   With two kids under age 6, our favorite spot is now
            limitation, chess, soccer, videogames, and pop culture   the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Instead of spending   MOST MEMORABLE CMBA MOMENT
            knowledge. They are skillful negotiators and when   money on dinner and drinks at a restaurant, we now   I don’t know if this is one particular moment, but I
            they want to extend bedtime they ask me things like   buy lettuce for the giraffes and food for the petting   love volunteering as a judge for the local high school
            “Mom, did you have any interesting questions from   zoo animals.       mock trial competition. I have done this for several
            clients today?”                                                        years now, and it always amazes me just how good
                                                                                   some of the high school students are. I see future
                                               WHAT DO YOU DO FOR FUN?             lawyers (and sometimes future actors) in the mix
            WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO A    My wife and I are avid triathletes and love being   each competition. These kids are more prepared
            LAW STUDENT?                       members of the Cleveland Triathlon Club and enjoy   than I ever could have been as a teenager, and their
            Use your summer associate experiences and   traveling to attend races — even our 6-year-old is
            internships wisely to help you narrow your interests.   catching the bug to start racing.  passion is infectious.
            Being decisive about a practice area can put you on
            a path to doing work you actually find interesting,   WHO HAS INFLUENCED YOU THE MOST   WHAT NEIGHBORHOOD DO YOU LIVE IN,
            and being more in control of your career.  IN LIFE?                    AND WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT IT?
                                                                                   I live in the Detroit Shoreway neighborhood of
                                               My two kids, (Madelyn 6, Marshall 4).  No two   Cleveland. I love everything about the area! Cool
                                                people have changed my life as much as they have   renovated houses, upscale restaurants, dive bars, and
                                                    — most days for the better! Experiencing life   amazing views. It is an easy commute to Downtown
                                                        through their perspective is the best   and close to Edgewater Beach. It has an urban aura
                                                          learning experience of my life.  with midwestern hospitality. Just my style.

                                                               WHAT WOULD
                                                                REALLY SURPRISE
                                                                  PEOPLE ABOUT        INTERESTED IN BEING
                                                                    I have NO cavities!   FEATURED OR KNOW
                                                                     I am a proud card   SOMEONE WHO MIGHT?
                                                                     carrying member
                                                                      of my dentist’s   E-mail Jackie Baraona at:
                                                                      No Cavity Club.

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