Page 24 - October2019_BarJournal
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                   leveland’s  landscape  and  land,  the  stakeholders  are  typically spouses   Moreover, in addition to zoning and planning
                   skyline are changing. Billions   guided by similar individualized interests.   requirements, the “perfect” new location
                   of dollars are being spent on   Commercial development, on the other hand,   may be subject to environmental oversight
                   constructing or renovating   will likely have various parties with competing   and permitting requirements. Brownfields,
        Cbuildings across the City and      interests. We already know that the Justice   wetlands, or endangered species habitats
        Northeast Ohio generally. Discussions are well   Center Project has many stakeholders with   may pose a number of unique hurdles that
        along their way for the Justice Center Complex   diverse interests that will have to be considered   may limit the use of land surrounding a new
        to be next in line for significant change.  and navigated.             location, and we have not even considered the
          The Complex that houses the Cuyahoga   Legal complications related to zoning and   various environmental regulations that apply
        County and Cleveland Municipal Courts, the   other land restrictions, as well as various   to all large construction projects.
        Cleveland Police Headquarters Building, the   environmental risks, may have significant   Complying  with  governmental
        Correction Center (known as Jail I), and Jail   implications on the time, money and location   requirements and obtaining necessary permits
        II, was originally constructed in the 1970s, and   factors the stakeholders on commercial   can be a time-consuming and expensive
        now is outdated and in need of repair.   projects must evaluate. Specifically, there are   proposition, but failure to do so can be even
          As  consultants  and  committees  for  the   notable environmental issues that require   more costly. Regulatory agencies are required
        various stakeholders assess the fate of the   consideration for renovation and rehabilitation   to timely respond to requests and applications,
        Complex, they must decide: Is it a Fixer Upper?   and for new construction. Providing clients   but what does that really mean? A response
        That is, should the Justice Center be renovated   with  a comprehensive  legal  strategy will   may be a request for additional information,
        and rehabilitated or rebuilt? As with all major   assist in mitigating the impacts of those   which  simply  restarts  the  “timely  response”
        construction projects, there are a number   environmental risks.    The best legal strategy   clock while the Project struggles to get off the
        of environmental considerations that the   will benefit from an understanding of how the   ground.  While  in  some  instances  it  may  be
        consultants must consider when answering this   marriage of construction and environmental   advisable to engage professionals to coordinate
        question. A successful project requires properly   law concepts may affect the Project. Counsel   the agency reviews, at the very least, the
        identifying and managing these concerns.  should strive to identify the critical impacts,   Parties should identify who will coordinate the
          In their hit HGTV series, Chip and Joanna   understand their respective implications   permitting process and bear the risk of delays
        Gaines popularized the term “fixer upper.” The   and implement solutions that cross the line   to the Project.
        husband and wife team combines their design   between the two areas of law.   Construction contracts  should clearly
        and renovation skills to assist homebuyers in   As noted, in addition to the financial   specify who is responsible for obtaining
        selecting and renovating residential properties.   bottom line, time and location are also key   necessary approvals and permits, including
        Similar to larger commercial renovations, the   to  a successful  project.  Environmental  laws,   submitting the initial application and
        key to a fixer upper property is being able to   violations, enforcement actions, and related   responding  to  agency  requests.  The
        personalize the property to the homebuyers’   issues can affect the viability of a location and   preconstruction schedule should also account
        needs and tastes within budget. Each episode   be massive drains on time and money.  for the uncertain timeframe. Experience
        of Fixer Upper typically involves the drama of   For  instance,  the  Justice  Center  currently   with a particular agency can assist in guiding
        some unforeseen complication resolved by the   has  a central  downtown  Cleveland  location.   and managing expectations in this regard;
        witty show hosts followed by a stunning before   The campus style Complex connecting   knowledge of the construction industry can
        and after reveal. It almost seems scripted. Also,   Police  Headquarters,  the  Courts,  and Jails   assist with developing creative solutions and
        shiplap; every episode involves shiplap.   is convenient and efficient. Law firms, bond   protecting stakeholders’ interests.
          In reality, there is still shiplap, but the   companies and other companies that service   Failure to properly work through regulatory
        decision  to  rehabilitate  an existing structure   the legal industry are situated nearby to access   or  permit  requirements  at  the  beginning  of
        or build new construction can be more   the Court Towers. Another similarly situated   a project may result in expensive litigation
        complicated. Time, money, and location   location will be difficult, if not impossible,   or enforcement actions involving hefty civil
        typically drive the decision rather than the   to find and the financial impact to the   penalties. Getting past the government
        personal interests of stakeholders. In TV   surrounding location could be enormous.   agencies is not always enough, as some
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