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ed in anticipation for their expanded rights. Before peace and became very outspoken on interna- created for the people, writing “we abolished
the ink could dry on the Nineteenth Amendment, tional affairs. Her writing and speeches on the the idea that there should be a distinction be-
Allen and her suffragists sisters prepared her cam- Outlawry of War, which spawned the Kellogg- tween men in securing human rights, and in
paign for judge. Women rallied together to gather Briand Pact, thrust her into races for the legisla- place of that idea we raised the new conception
two thousand required signatures within two days tive branch. She sought and lost the Democratic that, regardless of wealth or influence or race or
in order to place Florence Allen’s name on the nomination for the United States Senate in 1926, condition, men and women should stand equal
ballot. In a landslide, Florence Allen became the and she was the Democratic nominee for the before the law, and the same yardstick of justice
first woman judge of the Common Pleas Court of 22nd Congressional District seat, losing to Ches- and equity should be applied to every situation.”
Cuyahoga County in 1920, besting a field of ten ter C. Bolton. Despite her losses, her fervent be- As Cuyahoga County embarks on the new
candidates. With that election, she also became the liefs in women’s suffrage and world peace steered Justice Center project, we should seize this op-
first woman trial judge in the United States. her to work on the United Nations Human portunity to honor Justice Florence Allen by
Although she faced reluctant acceptance Rights Council, and her forward thinking led her naming the building after this remarkable jurist
by the other male judges, Allen proved herself to write about the legal rights to outer space. and woman of firsts from Cuyahoga County.
through her strong character that she was not to Before she could anticipate a third term, she
be overlooked. When ushered into hearing only was faced with another incredible opportunity,
divorce cases, Allen pushed back, explaining which she embraced. President Franklin Del- Judge Mary Jane Trapp serves on the
that the married men would do a better job at ano Roosevelt appointed her to the Sixth Cir- Ohio Court of Appeals. Before taking
deciding such cases considering she was an un- cuit Court of Appeals in 1934, the first woman the bench, her professional home as
married woman. She took control of the court- to be bestowed with such an honor. a litigator for 30 years was Cuyahoga
room and her docket, making extensive changes While on the Sixth Circuit, Justice Allen au- County. Her summer intern, Isa-
to the organization of the common pleas court. thored many opinions, including the opinion that bella Benz, is an aspiring attorney and extensively
After hearing constant complaints of the back- upheld the right of the United States to create the researched the life and times of Justice Allen. Judge
log of 6,000 cases, Judge Florence Allen made it Tennessee Valley Authority. In 1938, she was the Mary Jane Trapp has been a CMBA member since
her business to expedite cases, including hear- first woman to receive consideration for nomina- 1981. She can be reached at (330) 675-7870 or
ing 521 cases in her first 21 months in office. She tion to the Supreme Court of the United States.
was credited with her ability to dispense speedy Justice Florence Allen was made Chief Judge
and certain justice after only a short period of of the Sixth Circuit in 1959and took senior sta-
time. She presided over 600 cases and eight mur- tus later that year at the age of 75. When asked
der trials, with only three reversals in total. about the future of the professional woman in the
Allen even traded her vacation time for anoth- United States, she recounted a story from her law
er judge’s criminal court docket and disposed of school days. During a speech at NYU law school,
the cases herself in order to try all criminal cases Mrs. Philip Snowden was giving a speech on the
before summer recess, so that defendants would enfranchisement of women, when a man asked
not spend months in jail waiting for their trials. her why women wanted to vote. Mrs. Snowden
After becoming the first female judge in United responded with a poem setting forth the reasons
States history, she moved on to become the first fe- for desiring emancipation. The man said, “Yes,
male on a court of last resort, the Supreme Court that was to be expected of a woman. You ask her
of Ohio, winning again in another landslide in a practical question and she responds with a piece
1922. Even after such a strong victory, Justice Al- of poetry.” While talking with her fellow women
len’s right to take her seat was challenged. Her re- classmates after the lecture, one said, “After all,
sponse — “If the attack is made on my eligibility, why mind any of it? There remains the astonish- BETSY RADER LAW LLC
it is made just as much ... upon every woman who ing and important fact that we are sitting in a law When you want to do the
votes in this state, because the Ohio Constitution school with men, and that no one can prevent us right thing in the workplace.
provides that all who hold public office shall be from practicing law.”
duly qualified electors ... Heretofore, women have Justice Allen then explained, “I think that we Independent Investigations
not been electors only because of their sex. Since did not then realize how significant that fact was.
we have been given the right of suffrage, we are No one could prevent us from practicing law. Sexual Harassment Awareness/
eligible to hold public office on the same basis Men could prevent women doctors from having Compliance Training
as men and subject to the same qualifications ... hospital experience. Men could prevent women Employment Disputes Mediation
If the gentleman from Cincinnati is raising the engineers from doing engineering work. Men
question of sex, I admit, I am a woman.” She was could refuse to license women to the ministry. Individual Representation
re-elected for her second term by 350,000 votes. But if any woman studied law and was admitted
During those years, judges could also run for to the bar and had a client, no man could prevent
non-judicial offices while on the bench. Justice her from going into court and arguing her case.”
Allen, motivated greatly by the loss of her two She championed the integrity of the indi-
brothers in World War I, was an advocate for vidual. Justice Allen believed that the law was