Page 26 - October2019_BarJournal
P. 26




                                   BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT KEVIN KELLEY

               You have the right to an attorney” —   It is this fear that contributes to homelessness   The  Sisters  of  Charity  Foundation  of
               everyone is familiar with the Miranda   and warrants legislative action.   Cleveland began this trajectory of important
               right  thanks  to  television  crime   Providing Cleveland residents with access   community change with the launch of the
               shows. Our Constitution ensures   to free legal services in Cleveland Housing   “Innovation Mission” fellowship program in
        ‘‘access to no-cost legal counsel when   Court will mitigate the downstream   2017. They selected Legal Aid attorney Hazel
        someone is accused of a serious crime and   consequences of eviction and reduce   Remesch for a fellowship, and Hazel’s project
        cannot afford an attorney. Yet there is no such   housing instability. We will begin by   was to determine the efficacy and potential of
        constitutional right to legal counsel in housing   providing free legal representation to   a right to counsel in Cleveland. Her project
        cases that fall under civil court.   households with a child at or below 100%   grew into the Housing Justice Alliance and
          In August, I was proud to introduce —   of the federal poverty guidelines. We hope   benefited greatly from her and other Legal Aid
        along with Councilman Anthony Brancatelli   to grow beyond these qualifications and   attorneys’ leadership.
        — Cleveland Codified Ordinance 1001-2019,   beyond Cleveland with additional funding   Councilman Brancatelli and I — along with
        providing  access  to  free  legal  representation   and partnerships.  other leaders from the County, private bar and
        to low income tenants with children, who are   The creation of a right to counsel in   community  —  have  participated  in  Housing
        facing eviction proceedings.        Cleveland is just one example of the great   Justice Alliance’s advisory committee. We
          As this magazine goes to print, this   things that are  happening in our city,   visited other cities, spoke with elected officials
        groundbreaking right to counsel legislation is   and a terrific example of transformative   and housing experts from all over the country,
        on track for committee review and a final vote   change that can happen when philanthropy,   and developed a game plan for Cleveland.
        by City  Council soon. The establishment of   nonprofits,  the  private  sector  and  Then, as the process led to legislation,
        this right will be a game changer for Cleveland   government work together to improve the   we  added  partners  such  as  United  Way  of
        families facing housing instability.   lives of others.                Greater  Cleveland and  vetted  our  ideas  with
          Each year, approximately 20,000 residential   Evictions have an economic impact,   Cleveland’s Housing Court. Once the right
        eviction actions are filed in Cuyahoga County,   often leading to loss of employment,   to counsel legislation is enacted, United Way
        of which approximately 9,000 are in in the city   health  problems,  frequent  hospitalizations,   will serve as the lead community partner and
        of Cleveland. More than 60 percent of eviction   lower educational achievement and higher   contract with Legal Aid as the  designated
        cases filed in Cleveland include households   dropout rates for children, increased use   community partner to do the intake and serve
        with children. Many families living in   of all social service systems and unstable   those in need. The Housing Justice Alliance
        Cleveland are housing insecure. In fact, we   communities. Investing in a right to counsel   will  leverage  the  terrific  support  Cleveland’s
        know that Cleveland families move at least five   for tenants creates long-term stability for   Housing Court provides with United Way’s
        times more than  the national average.  Sadly,   individuals, children, families, and the   2-1-1 resources.
        families facing eviction with children have   Greater Cleveland community.  The first line of our Cleveland legislation
        increased levels of disruption in school and   For example, New York City passed and   states: “This Council finds that lack of legal
        higher rates of absenteeism.        funded historic right to counsel legislation   counsel for tenants during eviction cases is a
          Furthermore, tenants often lack knowledge   in the summer of 2017. Since then,   violation of a basic human right.” I, along with
        and awareness of their legal rights. The   evictions in New York City have decreased   my Council colleagues, am proud to be part of
        fear of being evicted and being forced to   by 34%, positioning the city to save $320   this important collaborative effort.
        seek housing, in a limited housing market,   million annually because of increased
        discourages many Cleveland tenants from   legal  representation for tenants facing
        fighting eviction actions. Additionally, many   eviction. In the first year since New York   Councilman Kelley is the President
        tenants live in uninhabitable living conditions   City passed its legislation, they have seen   of Cleveland City Council. He is also
        due to an aging housing stock. Often, tenants   tremendous results — 84% of households   of counsel at Porter Wright. He can
        fail to report substandard housing conditions   represented in court by a legal aid lawyer   be reached at (216) 664-4549 or
        because they fear eviction.         avoided displacement.              
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