Page 14 - The higest Point (1)
P. 14

1. We can only recognize
                                                                   Knowing the Bible                      and combat these

                                                                                                      temptations by saturating
                                                                   intimately will put                our hearts and minds with
        Ways to                                                   hands and enable us                 the Truth. The armor of a
                                                                    the Sword in our

                                                                                                       Christian solider in the
                                                                                                         spiritual battle of life
                                                                     to be victorious
        overcome                                                   over temptations.                    offensive weapon, the
                                                                                                           includes only one

        temptation                                                                                           sword of the

                                                                                 2. Spirit which is

                                                                               the Word of God

                                                                                 (Ephesians 6:17).
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