Page 17 - The higest Point (1)
P. 17
No temptation has
overtaken you except such • Use the power of the Holy Spirit. • “For the weapons of our warfare
as is common to man; but That’s the strength you need to are not carnal but mighty in God
God is faithful, who will resist temptation until the end: for pulling down strongholds.” 2
not allow you to be • “I say then: Walk in the Spirit, Corinthians 10:4.
tempted beyond what you and you shall not fulfill the lust of
the flesh. For the flesh lusts
are able, but with the against the Spirit, and the Spirit
temptation will also make against the flesh; and these are
the way of escape, that contrary to one another, so that
you do not do the things that
you may be able to bear it.” you wish.” Galatians 5:16-17.
1 Corinthians 10:13.