Page 5 - Virtual Drama Scripts
P. 5

                                     VIRTUAL DRAMA

                     A virtual drama is a drama staging activity performed virtually,

             it  can  be  conducted  through  an  online  platform  such  as  Zoom
             (Cziboly & Bethlenfalvy, 2020). Furthermore, creative virtual drama
             is used to promote language and literature skills as well as creative
             and critical thinking that focuses on the use of story dramatization

             techniques  (Karwandi,  2022).  In  virtual  drama,  the  use  of
             technology is necessary since the virtual drama is staged virtually in
             a digital online platform. Dahlan (2022) found that virtual drama can
             be performed through online platforms such as virtual reality which

             combines theatre and computers. Similar to Sajnani (2020), virtual
             drama is a form of drama that is performed and produced online,
             using digital technologies to create a virtual stage, or setting. Virtual
             drama  can  also  incorporate  elements  such  as  animation,  virtual

             reality,  and  augmented  reality  to  create  immersive  and  engaging
             experiences for the audience. In conclusion, a virtual drama is an
             activity where students perform other people’s characters creatively
             and critically through an online platform.

                         With  the  rise  of  digital  platforms  and  online  communication
             tools,  virtual  drama  has  become  an  increasingly  popular  and
             accessible  form  of  theatrical  production,  allowing  performers  and

             audiences to connect and engage from anywhere in the world. For
             this reason, the teachers and students had to be able to understand
             how to use the applications used in staging this virtual drama, for
             example,  by  combining  Zoom  meetings  and  Canva  (Inderawati,
             2022).  Thus,  learning  drama  is  beneficial  to  help  students  to

             develop students’ insight and character. Learning drama should be
             the  complexity  of  a  series  of  exercises  and  practices  for
             understanding  the  script,  acting,  directing,  to  production

             management as a single unit in the production process.

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