Page 8 - Virtual Drama Scripts
P. 8
3. The Dimension of Mutual Cooperation
Students can work together, namely the ability to carry out
activities together voluntarily so that the activities carried out can
run smoothly, easily and lightly. The elements of gotong royong are
collaboration, caring, and sharing.
4. Independent Dimension
Students are independent learners, namely students who are
responsible for the process and results of their learning. The key
elements of being independent consist of self-awareness and the
situation one is facing as well as self-regulation.
5. Critical Reasoning Dimension
Students who think critically are able to objectively process both
qualitative and quantitative information, build relationships between
various information, analyze information, evaluate and conclude it.
The elements of critical reasoning are obtaining and processing
information and ideas, analyzing and evaluating reasoning,
reflecting on thoughts and thinking processes in making decisions.
6. Creative Dimension
Students are able to modify and produce something original,
meaningful, useful, and impactful. The key elements of being
creative consist of generating original ideas and producing original
works and actions as well as having the flexibility of thinking in
finding alternative solutions to problems.