Page 83 - Virtual Drama Scripts
P. 83


                                        HEAVY RAINFALL

             Multiple Choice Questions

               1. C

               2. B
               3. E
               4. D

               5. D

             Essay Questions

               1. The heavy rain created a dramatic and intense atmosphere
                  with sharp lightning flashes and strong winds, causing panic

                  among the people.
               2. Acha  decided  to  go  home  because  the  rain  had  slightly
                  subsided, and she likely wanted to reach home after waiting

                  for an hour.
               3. Acha felt anxious because the flooding was getting worse,
                  and she was facing a potentially dangerous situation due to

                  the rising water levels.
               4. Acha  and  her  mother  were  surprised  by  the  flooding,  and
                  Acha started looking for information on her cell phone about

                  La Niña, indicating they were keen to understand why their
                  house got flooded.
               5. People  can  prepare  for  extreme  weather  conditions  by

                  staying  informed,  having  emergency  kits,  creating
                  evacuation  plans,  and  following  the  guidance  of  local

                  authorities and weather forecasts.
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