Page 84 - Virtual Drama Scripts
P. 84



             Multiple Choice Questions

               1. C

               2. C
               3. E
               4. C

               5. C

             Essay Questions

               1. Harry is excited because he is starting a career as a forest
                  contractor, building on lands that he once admired.

               2. Maya  is  determined  to  support  her  husband's  dream  and
                  believes in the importance of building a sustainable future
                  while protecting the environment.

               3. Sarah's life took a sudden turn because of an accident that
                  left her blind, forever changing the way she experienced the

               4. Dr.  Richards  offers  medical  care  and  words  of  comfort  to
                  Sarah, assuring her that there is still light in her life despite
                  her blindness.

               5. Raj,  a  concerned  neighbor,  offers  support  to  Sarah,
                  reassuring  her  that  they  are  in  this  situation  together  and
                  that they will find a solution.
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