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         school exam boards. Its proprietorial   LSPL integrated generative AI into   ter. Extensive domain expertise and
         range of products — UCanManage,   its exam solutions to smooth the   valuable insights from academics
         UCanApply, UCanAssess, UCanE-    educational services provided for   of India’s leading universities have
         valuate, UCanLearn, UCanSecure,   institutions and students.      helped us develop and perfect our
         and Smart Exam — enable smoother   History. An alum of Delhi School   products. Our high-powered techni-
         provision of a variety of assessment   of Engineering, and a business   cal team ensures that our products
         services including question bank   management graduate of the top-  not only draw on extensive academic
         management, exam venue audits,   ranked Indian School of Business   knowledge, they also remain adapt-
         and proctoring services to education   (ISB), Hyderabad, Mohta began   able and highly responsive to user
         institutions.                    his career with the blue-chip Asian   needs,” says Mohta.
           Over the past six years, LSPL has   Paints followed by a decade long   Future plans. Encouraged by the
         signed up 50 Central government   stint at Salasar Steel & Power before   public response to LSPL’s proprieto-
         and private universities (Jamia Mil-  going solo and promoting LSPL in   rial products and services, Mohta
         lia Islamia, Banaras Hindu Universi-  2019.                       has dynamic expansion plans for the
         ty, Graphic Era etc), six examination   Direct talk. “Learning Spiral was pro-  company. “We intend to work with
         agencies (Public Service Commission   moted with the objective of provid-  like-minded partners to broaden our
         of Tamil Nadu, West Bengal), six   ing services and solutions to enable   market, capitalise on new opportuni-
         technical education boards (State   education institutions improve as-  ties, and introduce our innovative
         Board of Technical Education,    sessment and examination process-  solutions to larger audiences in
         Bihar) and four school boards across   es. All our services are powered by   South-east Asia, MENA and Euro-
         25 states and Union territories as   Amazon Web Services — the world’s   pean countries,” he says.
         clients.                         most reliable cloud services provider   Fair winds!
         Newspeg. Last December (2023),   engaged even by FaceBook and Twit-        Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata)

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