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al schools in Greater Noida, Swarn-                               tion institutions of the group up and
         prastha Public in Sonipat and Glory                               running, Saxena has drawn up big
         Public schools in New Delhi. More-                                plans to scale the Sparsh schools
         over, the group has promoted and                                  footprint across the country under
         manages three higher ed institutions                              the franchise model, and consoli-
         (HEIs) — Indore Institute of Science                              date the HEIs in Indore. “We plan
         & Technology, Indore Institute of                                 to consolidate our Indore-based
         Management & Research, and Indore                                 HEIs into a government-legislated
         Institute of Pharmacy. Aggregate                                  private university. Seven years after
         enrolment: 8,000 students mentored                                we ventured into education, we feel
         by 700 faculty.                                                   confident that the Sparsh Group has
         Newspeg. Sparsh Global Business                                   developed the expertise to introduce
         School, Greater Noida is all set to                               best practices mandated by NEP
         admit its first batch of 60 graduate                              2020 to transform India into an edu-
         students into its two-year postgrad                               cation superpower,” says Saxena.
         diploma programme.                                                  Way to go!
         History. An alum of Rohilkhand Uni-                                               Autar Nehru (Delhi)
         versity and business management   Saxena: national footprint plan
         postgrad of IMS Ghaziabad, Saxena   launched two greenfield projects —  New-age edtech
         began his career in marketing with
         the US-based Columbia Broadcast-  Sparsh Global School and the Sparsh
         ing Service, followed with stints in   Global B-school — both in Greater   services provider
         Business Press and Gadgil Western   Noida.
         Group. In 1997, he signed up with   Direct talk. “Our entry into education   olkata-based entrepreneur
         the (now defunct) Indian Institute of   was driven by the awareness of our   MANISH MOHTA is founder-
         Planning and Management (IIPM),   chairman Roshan Agarwal that  Kdirector of edtech company
         where during a 17-year stint he   India needs new-age curriculums,   Learning Spiral Pvt. Ltd (LSPL,
         gained valuable experience in man-  pedagogies and practices. Therefore   estb.2019, headcount: 125) — a whol-
         aging education institutions.    after revamping and upgrading    ly owned subsidiary of the Kolkata-
           In 2015, he was hand-picked    our acquired schools, to attain   based Mohta Group of companies
         and selected by Roshan Agarwal,   the lofty goals of Viksit Bharat   with interests in steel, power, copper,
         chairman of the Sparsh Group, to   and $30 trillion GDP set by prime   chemicals, and plastics (annual turn-
         lead their foray into education. Since   minister Narendra Modi, in 2023   over: Rs.300 crore). Promoted five
         then, Saxena has spearheaded the   we launched the K-12 Sparsh Global   years ago, LSPL offers student as-
         group’s entry into K-12 and higher   School affiliated with Cambridge   sessment and online exams services
         education through a mix of acquisi-  International, UK, and earlier   to higher education institutions and
         tions and promotion of greenfield   this year, Sparsh Global Business   Mohta: innovative solutions
         institutions. “In the first phase, from   School. Public response to both
         2015-17, we adopted the ‘Edu-    these greenfield institutions is very
         preneurship through Acquisition’   encouraging. Sparsh Global School
         model, and acquired JP Interna-  with its 21st century curriculum
         tional, Swarnprastha Public and   integrating STEM, entrepreneurship
         Glory Public schools in Delhi NCR   and social/emotional learning has
         followed by HEIs in Indore. Since   attracted over 1,000 students. And
         then, we have been engaged in in-  the Sparsh B-School which will begin
         frastructure upgradation and faculty   operations in July-August is all set to
         training to transform these schools   admit its first batch of 60 graduate
         and colleges into high quality, glob-  students. Currently, we are engaged
         ally benchmarked institutions,” says   in fulfilling the regulatory norms and
         Saxena, conferred an honoris causa   obtaining necessary clearances to
         doctorate in business administration   administer all our schools and HEIs
         by Maryland State University, USA,   under the Sparsh umbrella brand
         earlier this year.               by the end of the current academic
           Soon after the Covid pandemic   year,” says Saxena.
         restrictions were eased, the group   Future plans. With all seven educa-

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