Page 49 - EW July 2024
P. 49

ages 1.20 million primary-secondary
         schools, it  also  strictly regulates
         450,000 private schools that educate
         48 percent of the country’s 260 mil-
         lion in-school children. To its credit,
         the K’Rangan Committee highlighted
         this “conflict of interest” and recom-
         mended a division of these roles. Ac-
         cordingly,  NEP  2020  mandates  es-
         tablishment of an independent State
         School Standards Authority (SSSA) in
         every state of the Indian Union.
         A         CCORDING TO PROF.

                   GEETA KINGDON, Chair-
                   person of education eco-
                   nomics and international
         development at  University College   Kingdon: level playing field call  Menon: depoliticise education
         London, and also President of the City
         Montessori School, Lucknow, certified   secret that government schools suf-  teacher  training  and  development
         as the world’s largest one-city school   fer from chronic teacher absentee-  progammes currently being provided
         by Guinness World Records (57,000   ism  and  lack  of  teaching  effort.  It’s   by state SCERTs are sub-optimal. Un-
         students,  2,196  teachers  in  17  cam-  of utmost importance that the pro-  less the teachers resource stock is ur-
         puses), currently (state) governments   visions of Chapter VII are rigorously   gently improved countrywide, there’s
         are “judge jury and executioner” of     implemented in government schools   little chance of the several excellent
         K-12 education  across  the  country   to ensure teacher accountability and   recommendations of NEP 2020 be-
         inasmuch as they run  government   better institutional governance. In his   ing implemented in the country’s 1.50
         schools, regulate private schools and   second innings, Mr. Pradhan should   million schools,” opines Menon, an
         routinely punish the latter for actual   give high priority to these issues to im-  alumna of Delhi and Leicester (UK)
         and alleged infringement of myriad   prove teaching-learning outcomes in   universities  and  Promoter-Director
         laws, rules and processes legislated   K-12 education,” says Prof. Kingdon.      of the Bengaluru-based The Teacher
         by the Centre and states.          Teacher training and accountabil-  Foundation  (estb.2002)  which  has
           “It’s well-established that in gen-  ity are also flagged as sharp focus ar-  trained and mentored 62,000 teach-
         eral, teaching-learning standards and   eas for education minister Pradhan   ers over the past two decades.
         learning outcomes of private schools   (or his successor) if he does survive   Moreover, Pradhan’s top priority in
         are  better  than  of  public/govern-  the NEET-UG entrance exams scandal   his second innings should be to build
         ment schools. As such, government   (see Special Report story in this issue)   a national consensus for depoliticiza-
         which runs its own schools, tends to   by teacher educator Maya Menon.   tion of education for orderly develop-
         be prejudiced against private schools   “There’s a lot of truth in the cliché   ment of 21st century India’s massive
         — which enroll almost half of all   that a school is as good as its teachers.   child and youth population, says Me-
         school-going children countrywide   The general quality of teachers in the   non. “Although NEP 2020 is a vision-
         — and often imposes harsh restric-  country’s schools, especially govern-  ary charter, four years on, there is little
         tions and punitive action upon them.   ment schools, is very poor and little is   evidence of its implementation, espe-
         Therefore, early constitution of truly   being done to improve it. Therefore,   cially in government schools. For in-
         independent SSSAs to regulate pub-  building teacher-resource capacity is   stance, although NEP 2020 mandates
         lic and private schools impartially is   an issue of utmost importance. The   merger of preschools with primary
         of critical importance to create a level                          schools, it hasn’t happened in Ma-
         playing field in K-12 education. The                              harashtra and Karnataka where gov-
         second urgent imperative is for state   Appointment of truly      ernment  anganwadis haven’t expe-
         governments to heed the mandate   independent SSSAs is of         rienced any change. Moreover, there
         of Chapter VIII in NEP 2020, which                                is excessive and irresponsible politici-
         sets out teachers’ accountability and   critical importance to create   zation of NCERT textbooks which are
         governance norms which are specially   a level playing field in K-12   chopped and changed because of po-
         important for the country’s 1.20 mil-                             litical compulsions to the extent that
         lion government schools. It’s hardly a   education — Geeta Kingdon  their authors are agitating to be dis-

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