Page 48 - EW July 2024
P. 48

Cover Story

         (on whose foundations the new Ram
         Mandir has been constructed) which
         was destroyed in 1992 by Hindu ex-
         tremists, as a “three-dome structure”
         brought down by “unknown people” in
         a class XII CBSE social science text-
         book, which also omitted all reference
         to riots that broke out countrywide
         as a consequence. “Why should we
         teach about riots in school textbooks?
         We want to create positive citizens,
         not violent and depressed individu-
         als,” said Saklani in a media interview
         (June 16). Ironically Prof. Saklani who
         has no compunctions about casually
         rewriting history, is a history postgrad
         (D. Phil)  of the obscure HNB Garhwal
         University, Uttarakhand, appointed
         chairman of NCERT in 2022.       CBSE-affiliated school children: ideological textbook omissions
         U         NDER PRESSURE FROM     outer space research scientist with   overhauling and modernising Indian

                   the RSS to appoint ideo-
                   logically aligned light-
                                          teaching and administration. In the
                                                                           But Pradhan’s dilemma is to pick and
                   weight academics to    no experience of higher education   education from preschools to Ph D.
         head think-tanks and academic in-  circumstances, it’s unsurprising that   choose priorities from within NEP
         stitutions since it was swept to power   they presented the government an   2020, and to resolve its basic contra-
         at the Centre a decade ago, the BJP   NEP 2020 draft which recommends   diction between greater government
         government has sown seeds of confu-  a major supervisory and policy for-  control and institutional autonomy,
         sion if not chaos, in Indian education.   mulation role for government despite   both of which NEP 2020 mandates.
         According to several respected retired   the  experience of past decades clearly   Despite this contradiction in NEP
         academics, recently appointed vice   indicating that  lack of  institutional   2020, the consensus of informed opin-
         chancellors of Delhi, JNU, Nalanda   autonomy and government control-  ion is that the new policy contains sev-
         and some IITs have been selected for   and-command of education across   eral intelligent solutions for overdue
         their  ideological  affinity  to  the  BJP   the spectrum, has levelled down   upgradation and improvement of 21st
         rather than academic merit. More-  school and higher education in post-  century India’s obsolete education
         over, there’s emerging evidence that   independence India.        system,  where  the  clear  stream  of
         NTA (National Testing Agency), which   It's at this inflection point in na-  reason has lost its way in the dreary
         is at the heart of the recent NEET-UG   tional development when a national   desert sand of dead habit.
         and CSIR-UGC-NET entrance exams   consensus has emerged that absolute   As recounted above and endorsed
         scandals, is not a subsidiary of the   priority has to be accorded to real edu-  by nationally respected early years
         Union education ministry as popu-  cation and skilling of the world’s larg-  educator  Dr.  Swati  Popat  Vats,  the
         larly believed, but an independent so-  est population of children and youth   FLN and NIPUN documents inspired
         ciety awarded the contract to conduct   if India is to ever attain the status of a   by NEP 2020, have provided a good
         national entrance exams by the BJP   middle  class nation — today every po-  roadmap for high quality ECCE (early
         government at the Centre. Evidently,   litical commentator and media pundit   childhood care and education). Prad-
         the agency was not sufficiently vetted   includes education modernization and   han’s top priority in this segment
         for the efficiency and probity of per-  skilling in her to-do prescription for   should be to solicit the cooperation of
         sonnel.                          national development — and achieve   state governments to implement and
           In this connection, it’s also perti-  its Viksit Bharat and $30 GDP goal of   roll out FLN and NIPUN to provide
         nent to note that the nine-member   2047, that Dharmendra Prasad begins   India’s  165  million  children  under
         Dr. Kasturiranagan Committee, whose   his second innings in Shastri Bhavan,   five years of age a solid foundation for
         report forms the basis of NEP 2020,   Delhi. There’s general acceptance that   future learning.
         comprised eight members of obscure   NEP 2020 formulated after a hiatus   In K-12 education, the deep-rooted
         second grade public universities, and   of 34 years and 19 months in the writ-  infirmity is that government (Centre
         Dr. K’Rangan himself is a former   ing,  offers  a  workable  blueprint  for   plus states) not only owns and man-

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