Page 44 - EW July 2024
P. 44

Cover Story

         private preschools. Moreover, govern-
         ment and private publishers are not
         printing and publishing aligned text-
         books. These lacunae have to be set
         right and a strong programme to  clus-
         ter train preschool teachers to imple-
         ment the excellent FLN and NIPUN
         curriculums has to be urgently initi-
         ated,” says Dr. Swati Popat Vats,
         founder-director of the Early Child-
         hood Association (ECA, estb. 2010)
         which has a membership of 40,000
         private pre-primaries. Dr. Popat Vats
         is also President of the Podar Jumbo
         Kids network of 490 preschools coun-
         trywide with an aggregate enrolment
         of 45,000 youngest children, where
         these initiatives are being implement-
         ed rigorously.                   Swati Popat Vats: FLN and NIPUN strong endorsement
         H         OWEVER WITHIN TWO      cloud over Pradhan’s capability and   insolence of office, Pradhan’s bleats

                   weeks  of  his  being  re-
                                          credibility to implement the root-
                                                                           about accepting “moral responsibil-
                   appointed as education
                                                                           leak are unlikely to generate much
                                          2020. This is not helped by the min-
                   minister in the Modi 3.0   and-branch reforms proposed by NEP   ity” for the NEET-UG exam paper
         government, Pradhan has become   ister’s adamant refusal to ‘award’ any   sympathy. In the first session of the
         neck deep embroiled in the NEET-UG   interviews to the media, except to neo-  new Parliament, there were strident
         (National  Eligibility-cum-Entrance   phyte mainstream media journalists   calls for his resignation from a rein-
         Test-Undergrad)  scandal  which  has   who are provided anodyne answers to   forced and reinvigorated opposition.
         endangered the future of 2.4 million   superficial questions.     Particularly since in the aftermath of
         school-leavers who wrote the exam, of   Specifically, although  Education-  the NEET-UG debacle, NEET-PG and
         whom the top 56,000 will qualify for   World has published three lead sto-  CSIR/UGC-NET  exams  have  been
         admission into 389 government medi-  ries featuring him on the cover, he   cancelled for “logistical reasons”, in-
         cal colleges (out of a total 706 coun-  has stubbornly refused to respond   dicating erosion of confidence in NTA
         trywide) which provide undergradu-  to important questions demanding   and institutional meltdown. In the cir-
         ate (MBBS) education at throwaway   accountability for progress of policy   cumstances the possibility of Pradhan
         prices. After initially denying it, the   initiatives  and directives  emanat-  having to return to the pavilion before
         education ministry has now confessed   ing from Shastri Bhavan, Delhi. This   opening his second innings account
         that question papers of the three-hour   despite EducationWorld (estb.1999)   can’t be ruled out.
         exam written in 4,750 centres coun-  having  established  a  transnational   Meanwhile if four years after it was
         trywide were prematurely leaked in   reputation  as  Asia’s  #1  education   officially approved, NEP 2020 imple-
         Patna and several other centres across   news magazine and as a sui generis   mentation is moving at snail pace, the
         the country. Moreover 1,563 students   human development journalism en-  prime cause is heavy involvement of
         were awarded arbitrary ‘grace marks’   terprise. Even for this feature, apart   government in academia that the new
         on various grounds enabling several   from his office acknowledging receipt   policy introduced to translate the rec-
         of them to score the maximum 720 or   of a printed questionnaire, neither he,   ommendations of the nine-member
         thereabouts.                     his PA (personal assistant) or Tullika   Dr. K. Kasturirangan Committee,
           This issue of malpractice within   described as OSD (officer on special   mandates.  To any dispassionate ana-
         the  National  Testing  Agency  (NTA,   duty) in the minister’s office declined   lyst, it is — or should be — abundantly
         estb. 2017), a subsidiary of the Union   to respond to pressing requests for a   clear that the dismal condition of In-
         education ministry established as “a   response to an innocuous  question-  dian education across the spectrum
         premier, specialist, autonomous and   naire soliciting information relating to   from pe-primary to university is at-
         self-sustained  testing  organization   the education ministry’s plans during   tributable to poor management of
         to conduct entrance examinations   the minister’s second innings. (see box   government -run universities, colleges
         for  admission/fellowship  in  higher   pg. 50)                   and schools and preschools (angan-
         educational institutions,” has cast a   In the circumstances, given this   wadis). Yet instead of recommending

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