Page 40 - EW July 2024
P. 40

Cover Story



         Union education minister Dharmendra Pradhan has begun his
         second innings in Shastri Bhavan, Delhi, at an inflection point in
         national development when a broad consensus has emerged that
         top priority has to be accorded to real education and skilling of
         the world's largest population of children and youth

         Dilip Thakore

         T                HE RE-APPOINTMENT OF DHAR-      Ramesh Pokhriyal — a failed Hindi language pulp fiction

                                                             The very next year after the disastrous incumbency of Dr.
                          MENDRA  PRADHAN  who led the
                                                          novelist — and immediately after the new National Educa-
                          ruling BJP’s legislative election
                                                          tion Policy (NEP) 2020 based on the Dr. K. Kasturirangan
                          2024 campaign in the state of Odi-
                                                          Commiteee Report that recommended radical restructur-
                          sha (pop.48 million) and famously
                          ended  the  uninterrupted  24-year
                          rule  of  the  BJD  (Biju  Janata  Dal)
                                                          approved by the Union Cabinet in July, Pradhan was pro-
                                                          moted to the office of Union minister for education, skill
                          and Cambridge (UK)-educated Chief   ing of Indian education from pre-school to universities was
         Minister Naveen Patnaik in the eastern seaboard state, as   development and entrepreneurship.
         Union Minister for Education doesn’t come as a surprise.    Welcoming Pradhan’s appointment as education minis-
            An anthropology postgrad of Utkal University and ABVP   ter in a detailed cover story (September 2020), your editor
         activist student leader in his younger days, Pradhan is de-  noted that he was confronted with the challenge of scaling
         scribed as “the longest serving Union minister of petro-  two mountain peaks simultaneously — repairing huge dam-
         leum and natural gas in the history of independent India”   age suffered by the education system during 60 weeks of
         (2014-19) in his Wiki profile, and is widely credited for   Covid pandemic lockdown, and implementing NEP 2020.
         master-minding the BJP/NDA 2.0 government’s Ujjwala   “Pradhan’s promotion to the Union education ministry is
         scheme under which 8 million LPG (liquid petroleum gas   likely to prove an arduous mission for this relatively young
         cylinders) for home cooking were distributed to women in   (52) and energetic minister who earned plaudits in his ca-
         targeted BPL (below poverty line) households. This initia-  pacity as junior minister of entrepreneurship and skills de-
         tive reportedly played a significant role in the BJP/NDA   velopment (2017-2019). For the simple reason that human
         being returned to power in General Election 2019.   capital development, and particularly modernisation of In-

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