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educational experiences at HUS. Re-   ADMISSION & FEES            MYP  exams  in  2022  averaged  37
         medial education, psychological coun-                             (against a maximum possible 56). In
         seling and medical care are accorded   Hiranandani Upscale School, Chen-  2023, the 13 students who wrote the
         high importance to ensure the mental   nai is an IB-affiliated K-12 co-ed day   school-leaving IBDP exam averaged
         and emotional well-being of students.   school. Applications for kindergar-  31  (against  the  maximum  possible
         We are also very aware that a school   ten-grade XI admissions are invited   45 points) with two students award-
         is as good as its teachers. Therefore,   round-the-year. An interview fol-  ed  more  than  40.  As  a  result,  HUS
         teacher training workshops are man-  lowed by a written test is mandatory   school-leavers are routinely admitted
         datory and supplemented with glob-  for applicants applying for admis-  by the world’s top-ranked universities
         ally renowned IB training to ensure   sion from class VI onwards.  including Cambridge (UK), Yale and
         our teachers are abreast with the very   Tuition fee (annual): Rs.2.74-5.34   Bristol.
         best technology-infused pedagogies,”   lakh.                        With the 13-year-old school having
         says Srinivasan, a recipient of the   For further information, e-mail:   got off to a good start, the top manage-
         American Classroom Teaching Excel-      ment has drawn up a master plan to
         lence Award 2008 and the Best Prin-                               continuously upgrade infrastructure
         cipal Award of the Indian Principals                              and administrative systems and pro-
         Network, 2022.                   of implementing the United Nations   cesses. “This year we have developed
            Globally benchmarked academic   Sustainable Development Goals and   a methodology to monitor and mentor
         and sports education is supplement-  embracing environment-friendly best   students by using data analytics to en-
         ed  by  a  rich  menu  of  co-curricular   practices in their daily lives.   hance learning outcomes. In addition,
         activities with children encouraged   HUS’ commitment to balanced   we are in the process of constructing
         to choose from fine arts, design, mu-  education has paid off by way of ex-  facilities to host inter-school sports
         sic,  dance  and  theatre.  Moreover,   cellent board exam results. The first   and extracurricular competitions on
         children are taught the importance   batch of 24 students who wrote IB’s   a much larger scale,” says Srinivasan.

         University of Adelaide, Australia

         This vintage university's alumni include five
         Nobel Laureates, over 100 Rhodes Scholars,
         Australia’s first woman prime minister and first
         woman Supreme Court judge

                OUNDED IN 1874, THE UNIVERSITY OF Ad-
                elaide (UoA) is the sixth continent’s third oldest
                university. Currently celebrating its 150th anni-
         Fversary, the publicly-funded UoA is ranked among
         the world’s top one percent by highly-reputed international
         ranking agencies — #89 in the QS World Rankings 2024,
         #74 in US News & World Report’s Best Global Universi-
         ties Rankings 2023, and #111 in the THE World University
         Rankings 2024. Moreover, the varsity’s research outcomes   University of Adelaide North Terrace campus
         are rated “above or well above world standard” by the Aus-
         tralian Research Council’s Excellence in Research Austra-  (after China) of foreign students is from India.
         lia Program. In 2023, Adelaide U reported an impressive   This vintage Oz varsity has schooled a string of illus-
         $231.8 million (Rs.1,937 crore) research income.  trious  alumni  including  five  Nobel  Laureates,  over  100
           Sprawled across three campuses in Adelaide (and one in   Rhodes Scholars, Australia’s first woman prime minister
         Melbourne), the university offers 148 undergraduate and   Julia Gillard, Supreme Court judge Roma Mitchell, poet
         87 postgraduate programmes to 22,700 students includ-  and classicist, Adenan Satem, and astronaut Andy Thomas,
         ing 6,800 international students from 100 countries world-  among others.
         wide. It’s pertinent to note that UoA’s second largest cohort   Adelaide. The cosmopolitan capital of South Australia, Ad-

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